10. Birthday and ???

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Bass's POV.

It's my birthday!!!! I'm so excited but mu ankle is still sprained so I can't go anywhere for my birthday. *sigh*
Gxxod is coming over to my dorm though with a bunch of food and movies and that's how I'm gonna spend my birthday, with my boyfriend and a ton of food.

"Baby, you here?" Gxxod asked walking into the room with all of our friends and a buch of food.

"Yeah," I said and waved from where I was laying on my bed.

"Happy birthday baby bass," Kimmon said attacking me in hugs, same with Copter and TaeTee.

"Thanks guys," I smiled and hugged all of them, but I kissed Gxxod for awhile, Tae threw a pillow at us to get it to stop.

We hung out for the entire day, my parents came over and so did Gxxod's which I wasn't expecting.
It was almost midnight when Gxxod got up from bed and nealed beside my side of the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked since he looked really nervous but happy.

"Well, I have one last birthday present for you, and I think you're going to love it," Gxxod said and pulled out a small box,

Gxxod looked up at his/my parents and they nodded at him smiling.
Then he opened the box and looked up at me,

"Will you marry me?"

I was emotional, I'll admit that, I nodded and hugged him since I couldn't talk from how happy I was.
Gxxod smiled and hugged me kissing my cheek before putting the ring on my hand.

"And you thought we would get married first," Tae said to Tee.

"To be honest I always thought KimCop would get married first," I said and everyone laughed.

Today was a good day, BEST birthday I've ever had.

- The Next Day -

Gxxod and I were watching movies and finishing the food from yesterday when I noticed he didn't have a ring but I did. So I got out of bed and went to a box I had behind my manga collection and I took out a ring my great (×3) grandfather had thats been passed down through the generations.

"Give me your hand," I said after I laid down next to him again.
Gxxod held out his hand and I slipped the ring onto his finger.

"What's this?" He asked looking down at me

"It's your engagement ring, you gave me one so I thought I'd give you one, it's a family ring that my grandfather gave me," I said and told him the story about it and why I'm giving it to him now instead of keeping it my self.

"Thank you baby," Gxxod said and hugged me, I smiled and kissed him just very happy and excited about everything that's happening right now.

"Bass! You here?" Kimmon yelled from outside the door

Gxxod and I pulled away from eachother and he went to open the door for Kimmon while I fixed my hair since Gxxod keeps messing it up.

"What's up?" I asked as Kimmon walked in.

"I need help, asking Copter out..." Kimmon said.

Gxxod and I just looked at each other and immediately got an idea.

"Take him to the beach at sunset and just lay there for hours just talking about everything possible, take him out to dinner after, the cafe you told me about," I said and Gxxod nodded agreeing with me.

"Bring a hoodie and make sure he doesnt bring a jacket or anything long sleeved with him, that way you have an excuse to hug him/get close to him but no sexual shit, since that's all you two do right now," Gxxod said.

"You can kiss but just the small and cute kisses not the shit you guys do now," I added.

Kimmon nodded and was writing this all down on his phone so he remembered

"When should I ask?" He asked

"Whenever you see him again," Both Gxxod and I replied.

"I'll ask him tonight," Kimmon said.

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