12. Hospitals pt1

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Bass's POV.

I'm getting a lot better but the dr.s wanna keep me here for another week because of how unstable my condition is. Gxxod has stayed with me the whole time since I'm terrified of hospitals and I'm bored and want him here with me.

"How are you feeling?"  Gxxod asked coming in with some food for me.

"I feel better but the drs. said it got worse," I said and started coughing again Gxxod set the food down and held my hand, I've been here for a few days and it absolutely sucks, the dr. isn't sure what it is and they should know in about 2 hours once my papers come back from the lab.

- 2 hours later -

"Bass, I've got some good news for you, is Gxxod here?" She asked coming into the room,

"No, he just left," I said and she nodded sitting next to my bed.

"Well, I'll tell you anyway, you ready?" She asked

I nodded and she smiled,

"You're pregnant, 1 month," she said and was very happy for me.

I just went pale, I dont like kids, Gxxod loves kids though, I don't know how to feel.

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