9. Meeting the Parents

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Bass's POV. - 1 year later -

Gxxod and I have been dating for a little over a year now and things have been amazing. Tae and Tee are very supportive now that Gxxod has proved that he's not gonna hurt me at all. Tae trusts him, Kimmon trusts him, and my parents trust him. Gxxod's parents are coming to town today to meet me for the first time actually, and I'm very nervous.

"Baby, calm down, they already love you," Gxxod said hugging me and pulling me onto his lap.

"Still I'm nervous," I said and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"You'll be ok," Gxxod said and kissed me before he opened the door when his parents got here.

I was sitting on the couch waiting for them, I would've gotten up but I can't really walk at the moment, and not for that reason ya perverts are thinking...well actually that is the reason but I also fell at school and sprained my ankle pretty badly so I can't walk.

"And this is my boyfriend Bass," Gxxod said walking into the mini-living room in his dorm room and introducing me to his parents.

"Hello," I smiled and looked up at them they smiled and at me as well and they both leaned down to hug me noticing that I couldn't get up.

"It's nice to finally meet you Bass, Gxxod never stops talking about you," Gxxod's father said and his mother nodded agreeing. Gxxod came over at sat next to me and let me put my leg up on his lap since he moved the pillow i was using for my ankle.

"What happened?" His mother asked seeing my ankle wrapped up

"I fell during an experiment in class a few days ago, its sprained pretty badly," I explained what happened and they listened.

"Hope it gets better soon kid," Gxxod's father said and I smiled nodding fixing the pillow behind me that kept falling.
We talked for a long time actually just getting to know eachother and stuff.

"So, when's the wedding?" Gxxod's mom asked, Gxxod and I just looked at each other shook.

"I think you scared them dear," Gxxod's dad said looking at us being shook.

"I figured since Gxxod's almost 30 he would want to be/get married by now," his mom said.
Gxxod and I were still looking at each other not sure what to do.

"Well um...it's a bit early for that don't you think? We've only been dating for a year," Gxxod said looking at his parents, I agreed with him. It's a bit too soon.

"Only a year? It seem longer than that the way you talk about Bass it seems like you've been together a lot longer." His dad said and Gxxod kind of blushed.

I smiled and hugged Gxxod, "you talk about me a lot?"

"I do, don't you talk about me a lot to your parents?" Gxxod asked looking at me

"I do, sometimes, if KimCop aren't stealing the 'spotlight'" i said and kind of laughed.

"Those idiots, how are you and Copter related?" Gxxod asked

"Step-siblings, his mom married my dad," I explained and then we started talking to his parents again.

"How old are you Bass?" Gxxod's mom asked

"23," I answered

"22, it's not your birthday yet," Gxxod said and I pouted

"Shut up, my birthday is in 3 days!" I pouted and hit his shoulder

His parents just smiled and watched us be cute and 'fight' over my age.

"Do you bring it?" Gxxod's mom asked her husband,

"I did, boys," Gxxod's dad looked over at us to get our attention

"Hm?" We were both confused.

"Gxxod, you know what this is for, use it whenever you guys decide to," Gxxod's dad said and handed Gxxod a small box.

"Great-Grandma's ring?" Gxxod was shocked, I could tell this was a very important ring to their family.

"Yeah, whenever you two decide to get married we give you permission to use her ring," Gxxod's mom said, Gxxod got up and hugged both his parents.

"Thank you so much," Gxxod said and hugged them before showing me the ring.

"Whoa, it's beautiful," I said, Gxxod took it out and put it on my hand to see if it would/could fit.

It fit perfectly, Gxxod's parents were very happy about that and Gxxod was just smiling very happy at the moment.

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