Chapter 49 - Reloaded: Coldest Winter Half of Part lll

Start from the beginning

Roderick was in there feeding Santos his bottle. I smirked, listening to him baby talk Santos. Not knowing I was there. I cleared my throat, Roderick turned around looking at me. 

" Awww look its Pahran Craig. Say hey to your big ear'd God Father. " Roderick waved his arm while laughing. 

" Ahhhhh hahahaha, how you need to stop checking out my ears. " Smirking at him going in the fridge. " So….. Football? " Popping open the soda can. 

" I cant play for another team, cant do that. My loyalty is with Coach White. " Rocking Santos in his arm. " Besides I'm sure they're going to let us continue school, its not that bad. "

~ Next Day ~

The place was packed, like literally packed. I sat a row behind my parents and Keke's. She sat beside me, locking her arm around mines. Ms. McCoy stepped towards the mic, opening her papers. 

" Parents, students…. We are working shiftily and quickly to repair the damage that took place just yesterday. As much as I hate to say this…. Until further notice Gifted Heights Academy is closed…. "

There was a loud uproar around the room. Selena stood up quickly.

" What about us!? Like we've been at this school since freshmen year, this is OUR year and we have a future ahead! " 

Ms. McCoy held her hand up, the place hushed. She cleared her throat while Selena slump back down into her seat. 

" Finales will be pushed back until January….. " Fixing her glasses, looking over towards Mr. Ealy who sat there with his arms folded. " Our neighboring schools have opened the doors for our student body. From public schools to private schools. Our teachers will help with the over flow…… " Flipping through papers. 

" We've sent out letters already letting you know where your child or children are placed due to their grade point average and gifted program they applied for. It breaks my heart to see this happen and I'm doing my best to make repairs come quickly… Please bare with me. "

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