Eventually I felt Damon's touch on my head and I leaned forward, so that he could wrap an arm around me. I felt how stiff he was, the amount of anger he was radiating off of him. I don't know why he's constantly angry. 

I wouldn't say that it got easier since Damon came, but the end came faster. I slipped in and out of consciousness for a good hour. I'd go and come back with everyone screaming faintly in the background. 

I heard the guys try to keep Damon away from the doctor more than once. I couldn't hear or see properly. Everything was ringing and blurry. It was like my brain had decided that I was having a sensory overload and decided to back away. 

Then everything went quiet. Dead quiet, you could hear a pin drop quiet. My vision started to clear up, as Karina wiped my face again, free off all the blood. 

I saw the backs of the doctors as they worked on my little one. I couldn't hear the baby cry. Wasn't that what they were supposed to do when they were born?

I saw the men all rush, on the heels of Damon who shot a look to me and stalked over to me quickly, pulling me into a hug. 

"What is going on?!" I screamed, "Tell me!" 

Damon just pulled me tighter, whispering sweet nothings into my ears. I gripped him closer and buried my face into his chest, crying. I couldn't hear anything. 

Then I heard it. 

The sweet sound of the baby crying. Damon gave me a strained smile and pulled the pillows behind me up, so that I could lean on them properly. He stepped back to his men, who looked at him strangely before shooting looks towards their mates.

"Congratulations your majesties. You have a son." the pack doctor turned towards us with a smile on her face, holding my son close to her chest. 

I looked up to Damon, joy evident on my face and a laugh mixed with tears made it's way out of me, "It's a boy. You have an heir now." 

He looked at me with something mixed with grief and regret, "I have to go." 

Alice looked up at him, her normally happy face twisted into anger, "Don't you dare Damon Ryan." 

"This isn't what I wanted!" he yelled and I closed my eyes, trying to shut him out, "I didn't want you to be in pain."

"It's childbirth Damon." I said softly, "You couldn't have possibly expected it to be easy." 

He scoffed and shook his head at me, "That's not what I meant." he looked the baby with a frown, "This is why I didn't want this kid." 

I gasped and clenched my jaw tight, "You do not want that kid to grow up, knowing that his father never wanted him. So take that back." 

"I can't." he rubbed his face, "Jade. I almost lost you today." 

The look on his face was heartbreaking and I almost started bawling right there and then, "But I'm still here. Look at me Damon. I'm still here."

"I would rather you alive than a fücking heir for the throne." 

"Get out." Scott said cooly

"Scott." I tried

"I said. Get out!" he said angrily, "You don't want this kid. Fine. But you'll regret it one day and you can never take those words back. So get out, before you say anything else you're going to regret."

"Don't use that tone with me." Damon growled

"He's right." Ray spoke up, "Your mate just went through seven fücking hours of labour and you've shown not one glimpse of sympathy for the amount of pain that she's been through." 

"I can't do this." Damon threw his hands up and stalked out of the room. Leaving me there, staring after him as he left. 

"Luna Queen?" the doctor asked, "Would you like to hold your son?" 

"Keep him away from me." I said quietly

"Jade no." Scott frowned, "He's your son. Don't let what that bastard said about him, change your opinion on your son." 

"Keep him away from me." my voice raised and I felt the atmosphere in the room change. To something for resigned and lost. 

"Jade." Victoria started

"No!" I looked my eyes wild, "I can't raise up my son by myself, knowing that his father basically disowned him the minute he was born. I can't do that to him or myself. So keep him away from me!" 

I watched as Victoria picked him up and walked out of the room, with the doctor following. Karina immediately pulled me into her arms and I cried then. Harder than I had screamed through the labour. Harder than I had cried through all the heats that I had been through. 

I cried, even though so many people were watching me. Damon's men stayed with me the entire night as I cried, keeping watch, ready to kick Damon out, if he even tried to walk up to the door. 

My ladies stayed too, trying to give me comfort. Scott tried. Karina tried. But what can you do, when you loose your son and mate in the same night?  

THE AFTERMATH  ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن