"So how are you finding it here then, must be such a change in pace." Noah asked. "I know I found it hard to adjust to how... empty and quiet it was."

"I used to visit my grandparents when I was younger during the holidays - the pier wasn't falling into the ocean then, that's how long ago it was since I last came here."

Any happy memories of my grandparents had been tarnished by my Mom, who one day decided it was too much effort to continue visiting, even during their last few years. I still couldn't forgive her for the way she'd aggressively contested their will, when I was named to receive a sum of inheritance, and Poppy, their small beach home and possessions.

"Supposedly, it used to be a real tourist trap, many decades ago before the house prices went up, and neighbouring, better towns put the locals out of business." Noah mused. "Now it's just a nostalgic, washed up town with only it's beaches to keep it from dying out."

"I haven't even been into the sea since I got here." I confessed, looking out at the waves gently hitting the shore, the long stretch of wet sand disappearing into the dark, shadowed coves.

"Really? It's the one perk of living here Scarlett, you've gotta go for a swim at least once this summer." he said, astonished that I hadn't. I liked the way his eyes lit up as he spoke my name.

The appeal of the open, expansive ocean hadn't been lost on me, I just didn't have the energy for it, especially not in my first few weeks when the all consequences of my actions weighed heavy and I couldn't leave my bed.

"I'll try." I nodded, to please him.

Finishing off his milkshake and wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin, Noah joined me in admiring the view before us, our faces reflecting against it with the glare of stark, fluorescent lights that hung above us in the diner.

"You should come with me and the kids, next time you're free, we tend to go a couple a times a week." he suggested. "We go crab fishing in the coves and swim, even the dog tags along."

"You look after them all?" I asked.

"Yes but they're pretty well behaved, so it's not as tough as it sounds." Noah laughed. "Jacob's just turned eight, Lily is ten, Gracie is seventeen so she usually does her own thing and finally there's Max, the mischievous Labradoodle who you'll completely fall in love with."

"I'm impressed." I smiled. "I can barely look after myself, let alone anyone else."

"Like I said, it's an easy gig - sometimes I feel guilty that I'm paid to spend all day out in the sun or in the garden explaining how the solar system works." he smiled, as the waitress approached to clear our table.

When she'd finished and Noah had asked for the bill, he accidently brushed his knee against mine.

"Sorry." we said in unison, my face instantly lighting up like a stop sign.

Noah sat up straight and looked back out the window, allowing me time to regain composure.

I hated how the slightest thing made me blush. It had been that way for as long as I could remember, successfully living up to my name, as if it was chosen as some cruel joke so kids at school could feel clever at calling me Scarlett Face. All my hopes for adulthood to rid me of its burden had failed, because here I was, stilling blushing madly at a perfectly, innocent knee knock.

"So... you want to join our crew one day next week?" Noah said, finally breaking the red-hot silence. "I usually make some food and we head down around noon. You'd be more than welcome."

Someday The Waves ✔ *Wattys15 Winner*Where stories live. Discover now