"It's ok," Cain told her, "I'm not here to hurt you," he tried to be as nice and delicate as he could to make up for his grotesque appearance.

"Monster," Ezra retorted like any child would. She pointed away at him.

This brought a smile to the face of Cain. Earlier when he arose from his slumber, he found the nerve to look at himself in the mirror and to be called a monster was just about right. "Even monsters can be friendly," Cain informed his niece who was oblivious they were related.

"So you're a friendly monster?" Little Ezra asked him innocently. She was now beginning to trust Cain probably due to his kind words.

"As friendly a monster as you will meet," Cain offered her a winsome smile. He tapped the side of the bed, "sit up with me." She didn't trust him at first, she had probably been through enough of an ordeal already, but at least she was not maimed, not physically at least. Cain would ensure she would not be harmed so long as he was around. Ezra stood up and stretched out a foot and timidly moved toward Cain and sat down beside him. "I know your mother," Cain informed the child.

"I want my mummy and my daddy," she said sweetly tears infiltrating her eyes.

"I'm sure you do, but I'm afraid you can't see them just yet. Maybe soon hey." Cain kindly told her, what else could he say?

"What your name?" She asked him.

"I am Cain," he informed her. "And you are Ezra."

"How did you know my name?"

"I am your mother's brother," Cain told her. "Do you know what that means?" Ezra shook her head. "That makes me your uncle. . . Uncle Cain. Did you know that?"

Then something happened that Cain did not expect, Ezra started to hug him. He was never fond of kids found them rather annoying, but he managed to wrap an arm around her, he warmed to her straight away. "Don't worry Ezra we are family and family look out for one another. I will look after you, but you have to do what the Doctor asks."

"Doctor," Ezra cutely replied with a puzzled expression.

"The man who will look after you."

"Oh," Ezra didn't fully understand what was going on, she was too young to comprehend the position she was in. All innocent Ezra knew was that she was away from her family, her mother, and father.

"Did anyone hurt you?"

"No." she shook her head.

"Good," he said as he gently pulled away from the child's clutches.

"Why have you black lines and cut?" Ezra asked her uncle scrunching up her little nose, still, she looked disgusted.

"I got into trouble," Cain opted to be honest. "I - I have to go now."

"Don't go," Ezra pleaded. "Please stay." The child was scared and alone with little notion as to what will happen next.

"The Doctor will come for you," Cain assured her. "You are to do what he says, and I will come back for you."

"Promise?" She sweetly asked Cain.

"I promise," Cain told her as he stood to his feet and left the cell.

By chance, he bumped into Abbasi. "There you are Magia, are you ready to go?" He was just checking the prisoners he had bought last night.

"When I speak to the Doctor," Cain informed him. "I'll be - "

"I have spoken with him, Magia, he has given his blessing for us to travel back to Bangui."

"Ticket," the guard asked Abbasi and Abbasi gave him the pink ticket. "Cell six on the left."

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