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Cain Magia just awoke and sensed a sinister presence in the palace. This sinister presence was in Abbasi's room, of all places. He had to act fast. He didn't change, he was just in his tight white briefs and he grabbed Avenger from its sheath and teleported to Abbasi's palatial room.

He was there last night to hear more about how Abbasi defeated Vaohrodia, but he didn't learn much from an intolerable coke addict. The room had a vibrant array of hues, predominantly, pink, purple, cream and turquoise. Abbasi's grand bed was bigger than you could imagine and was hunkered low on the floor. Drapery curtains hung from the bed also. The ceiling was one giant mirror. Abbasi probably liked to lie back and watch as a keen white slaver jumped up and down his gross pogo stick, that's sexual innuendo.

He had teleported to the side of Abbasi's bed and without even thinking he drove Avenger into mid-air. Only, it wasn't mid-air he struck.

Abbasi woke up from his slumber and said, "what the fuck!" As blood dripped onto his immaculate white sheets. The Madman himself looked surprised. "What is the meaning - " but Abbasi didn't finish his sentence.

The person Cain Magia had stabbed, appeared.

This would be murderer was a woman. She had a long oval face and fetching features bar her buck teeth, her skin was reminiscent of caramel. She was also holding a sharp jagged dagger and was just about to attempt to kill Abbasi in his sleep.

The woman dropped the dagger and it clacked off the marble floor. Cain pulled out Avenger from the woman who made deathly sounds then prostrated onto Abbasi's lap, arms and legs akimbo. The Madman pushed the assassin off his bed, and she slumped before Cain Magia's bare feet and a pool of crimson blood tarnished the immaculate floor.

"A murderer," Abbasi said as he sat up and looked down at her with disorientated eyes. Abbasi Madou was still half a sleep. Doting as it were.

Cain kicked the assassin face up, just so Abbasi could get a good look at the woman who tried to kill him. "One of Cheikh Ibora's?" Cain asked as he lowered the bloodstained Avenger.

"Could be," Abbasi breathed a sigh of relief. "I have a lot of enemies, Magia. Shame you killed her really, I feel like torturing someone today."

"She must have a rare bloodline ability," Cain surmised. "invisibility perhaps I reckon."

"She doesn't anymore, Magia."

"Don't suppose you want to give me the key?" Cain asked looking at the key that was on a black string wrapped around Abbasi's vein riddled neck. "For saving your life, like."

"Even if that bitch had stabbed me, I would have hurt her severely," Abbasi gesticulated by pretending to snap a twig.

"That's a no then?" Cain asked for validation. He was shaking his head with disappointment as he lowered his blood-stained blade some more.

"You have to earn this key, Magia," Abbasi said with a typical chuckle. Cain wondered what he would have to do to earn the coveted golden key that Abbasi held. Then Abbasi's eyes gazed down. "Are you excited to see me, Magia?" Abbasi asked with that big smile plastered on his face. His gold teeth were lit up by what little sunlight peered through the chris-cross wooden shutters. He was also fondling himself under the sheets. Classy, Cain thought sardonically.

"You're not that lucky," Cain replied monotonous as he made his way to the gold-encrusted door. Everything in this room was extravagant. What was in this room alone could turn the shanty town into a thriving metropolis.

"You get a turn on from death, Magia?" Abbasi called out as Cain walked away.

"Just get dressed," Cain calmly replied not wanting to engage in sexual banter. "You're going to take me to the Abyss today. . . remember?" He cocked his head ever so slightly and gave the Madman a look with his stern red eyes. Cain was in no mood to play games. He had to focus on the task at hand. He sought immortality, but he would not stoop to Abbasi's level and learn the ill-fated kamikaze.

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