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"Say, Bob, would you mind taking a walk with me outside?" Raziel suggested slapping his thighs and then standing to his feet that were still aching after a night's expedition. He was glad to be in the temporary haven of the Seidel home. Even if the Assassins or any other Demon affiliate were after them, they could not enter this home. Idalah "The Cursed" another brother of Raziel's had used some ancient magic that prevented Mud Bloods from entering the Wisemans abode, invitation was prerequisite.

There was also safety in numbers, he figured. Bob was a powerful Seasonal who had leaned many bloodline traits over his expansive life. He knew what Nikita was even if the Wiseman did not want to admit it. Then there was Abel who had a fighter in him. Lastly the twins were also on hand, but in theory they might prove a hindrance.

"Sure," Bob eventually replied, his lips were around the bottle as per usual. "Sure." Rather unsteadily the Wiseman stood to his feet. He then took a moment to balance himself. His arms were spread like the wings of a plane, one foot across the other like a drunk ballerina. Again, Bob took another swig of whiskey, he now had a pirate eye. Bob then left his coveted bottle down on the coffee table as Bandit barked loudly looking for attention. Raziel gave the pup a pat on the way out so too did Bob.

Raziel then led the way toward the back door and Bob followed earnestly. He noticed Nikita had their back to them and was busy cleaning the dishes and merrily humming some tune to herself. She had not paid much heed to her father and Raziel exiting the cottage, or so Raziel thought. To be sure no one would listen to what he had to say, he gently closed the door behind him. Now he did not think Kitty would eavesdrop, but he didn't want to give her the opportunity to do so. What he was going to tell Bob was confidential and thereafter it would be up to Bob, himself, to tell his daughters using his own discretion.

The two old friends strolled toward the small garden that veered off to the left. It was too dark to see the beautiful array of flowers Bob had planted, but they were there alright. The centrepiece of the garden was an impressive water fountain made of Whitestone. The trickling of water disturbed the night's eerie silence.

"So, tell me, why is it you bring yourself and young Abel here at this late hour?" Bob wasted no time what so ever, in getting straight to the point. Raziel, for now, had no reply and opted to listen. "I have not heard from you or your kind for years, and then you show up at my doorstep this late at night, what is happening?" He was hard to understand at times for he slurred his words. Bob also swayed to and fro. Raziel was on hand to catch him should he stumble and fall which was looking increasingly likely.

An astute Raziel could tell Bob had a lot of questions, all of which he was willing to answer if he could. For years, Bob Seidel had been a reliable ally, a true friend, never letting anyone down, so Raziel thought the Wiseman deserved to know the truth, his side of it of course. If anyone could be trusted with sensitive information, it was Bob Seidel. "I bring tidying's of bad news. The Assassins," Raziel calmly said in a hushed voice. Bob, looked to be in a state of despair, for he had an idea what Raziel was insinuating. "I believe they have been summoned by the Foul King to capture or worst still, kill. . . young Abel."

"The Assassins," Bob echoed in an alarming tone. "Oh my, so it has begun."

"Yes," said Raziel, "I believe so."

"What happened?" Bob inquired fidgeting away with his fingers, they occasionally clicked, "tell me everything and tell it true."

Raziel knew Bob loved Abel like his own son. After all, he had brought the boy up from a babe until now, nearly a man grown. Raziel wasn't going to retell everything in detail, but he was going to inform Bob what he needed to know. "I was in town watching over Abel, as I do every night when one of the Assassins went to attack him." Bob had a disconcerting look on his face, but still listened without interrupting. "I was able to scare the Assassin away, but I fear that was just the first of them. I'm sure more will follow. They are probably plotting their next move as we speak."

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