Talal Enters

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Talal's POV:

Its been three years since I last set foot into this house. Three years since I last saw Sars and Zain. My gang mate-Sars and my best-friend Zain. I am part of a Dawa group now, we have travelled around the globe- spreading Islam, since a few months now. Its a sad news that has brought me here. Sara's GM(grandma) has passed away. She was an excellent lady. She knew all about Sara's and my past activities. She had tried her best to stop us. But no Sara and I were too blind then.

GM was scared of what Uncle Huzaifa would do to Sars if he found out. Sara, as stubborn as her dad refused to listen. So as a last resort she begged me to keep Sars safe. To say that it was hard, would be an under statement. Sars was a real party animal. She would sneak out of her house at night, and beg me to take her to the night club where the other gang members always gathered. It was a weird sight to see a hijabi dancing away. I kept her away from any drinking or any other physical sins. She found me very irritating.

"You know what, you remind me of GM!." Sara spat in my face.

"I do? Thanks, thats a complement." I chuckled.

"Shutup and get lost! If you dont want to enjoy yourself. Then why the hell are you a part of this gang?'

"Cux I love you, babe!"

I winked at her. She gagged. I rolled my eyes at her. Sure I wasnt a good muslim then. Rather I wasnt even a muslim, because I didnt pray at all. But I still had some morals. And protecting Sars was one of them. Our gang mainly consisted of spoilt rich snobs. We'd sit around, drinking(except Sara) and making fun of poor people around us. We'd plan stupid activites. Like riding on bikes and harassing any ladies that happened to be alone.

It was quite weird how even the females in our gang enjoyed their screams and beggings.We just scared them. We left as soon as things would start getting out of hand. Like the arrival of the police or too many people trying to help out the poor lady. Or we'd take pictures of random, pretty girls. Get in contact with them and threaten to edit their pictures and mail em to their parents.

Sara didnt go on those 'Adventures' as we called them. Instead, she prefered dancing until she fell asleep on the club's floor. Leaving me to take her home. No matter how late it'd get. Her GM was always up when I brought her back. She always had that thankful look in her eyes as I'd hand Sara to her.

Well enough of the past. I'll be seeing Sars again today. I no longer look at ladies. But one look is allowed, right? Yeah so lets see how she looks now. I have missed those blazing, angry eyes. And that scowling, delicate mouth. Her karate moves-everything! 

"Talal Ahmed!  " Zain

" Zain-bin-Huzaifa! I've missed you bro! I'm so sorry bout da loss man. She was an awesome lady, Ma shaa Allah!"

"Yes she was, Jazakallah! Come in."

Zain took me to the drawing room. I looked down, this house holds too many memories. I'd better keep my eyes to the carpet. Uncle Huzaifa looks broken. No wonder. I hugged him and held him. We will all miss GM real bad. She was like a glue that held us together, real tight. This place will never be the same without her. I tried to comfort uncle and sat down beside him. Aunty(Sara's mom) came in. Her eyes puffy, from all the crying. She looked extremely fragile today. She patted my head and went to Zain.

"Zain baita, she has refused to eat. Wh-when is ammi going to be brought in?'

"Mama mehru api's with GM. Shh calm down. Let's sit and recite the Quran plz."

"But Sars will go mad once she sees ammi. I won't be able to handle her. Sh-she hit baite Asma right now." (Asma= Sara's friend and maid)

"Don't worry ma, I'll handle her."

Aunty went away, looking less worried. So she's as wild as before, I thought. I wonder how the state of her Emaan is now. With no GM around, who will guide her? 


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