The Surah Plan<3<3

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The greatest value of having good people around you is not what you get from them but the better person you become because of them...


"Jazakallah for bringing Misba over. I LOVE U ALL<<33." I squealed with delight. Everyone smiled and we settled onto the dinning table. We helped ourselves to the yummy chocolate cake mama had baked.

Ughh and then mama asks me why am I putting on weight??! Haha gee I wonder why?? I smiled at mama and she smiled back. Seriously mom I think by the end of eid I'll be able to pass as a sumo- wrestling participant!

"OK ppl so what and what are we going to do today? Fatima asked our parents.

"How about we go to joy land?" Zain chipped in.

"Yeah cool!! " I and Fatima squealed together.

"Mama! Baba! Please say yes!! Pwettyy paweezz!!" I begged, baby much??! Haha<3

"What do you think? " Baba asked mama. Seriously guys say yes already ! I'm dying with impatience here :p

"Didn't Mrs.Naveed invite us over? " Mama said.

"No way!! " We, that would be me ,Fatima and Zain shouted together.

"No way mom and dad! Aunty Naveed only has sons! I'll be super bored." I spoke my mind.

"Mom! Dad! I have a suggestion. " Mustafa bhai said.

" Why don't you guys go to Mrs.Naveed's house while I and Mehrunisa accompany the kids to joyland?"

OMG I swear I liked Mustafa bhai the minute he had asked for Api's hand! He's so cool(Ma shaa Allah). I flashed him a smile and looked at my parents.

"OK sure." Cool, I just know today will be awesome In shaa Allah. We were all done with food. Mama and baba left for Aunty Naveed's house half an hour later.

"Why are you guys acting like kids? Zain ,Mahra is observing you,you know?!" Api remarked.

I looked at Zain. Why the hell is he blushing? Is he a girl? Lol. Mahra was blushing too .But that's ok right? I mean she's a lady and all nah! I giggled. As if Api and Mustafa bhai weren't enough.

"OMG! Don't tell me! we have another pair of love birds in the house! Sheesh!" Zain glared at me while Mahra stared at the floor. Haha life's getting interesting. Well whatever I'll pull their legs afterwards.

"Let's move it already." I said. I was getting impatient. Ten minutes later we were all in Mustafa bhai's Porsche panamera Turbo S. Its a black beauty. The ride to joy land was full of fun as I took the opportunity to pull Zain's legs haha!!

"Zain and Mahra sitting in a tree--"

"Shut up Sara that's so last century." Zain hissed. Oh really my lover-boy!! I wonder why you are blushing then. I wanted to play around more but api silenced me with a stern look. Sheesh! Api's no fun.

Api turned towards us and smiled at Mahra.

"Mahra how do you like Pakistan? "

"Its very nice thank you!" Mahra replied with a smile.

Wow they seem like they're related already. I whistled. Mahra was looking outside the window with a faraway look on her face. Why is she so serious on the Eid day? I wondered. I moved forward and gave her a side ways hug. Don't ask me why! But that's how I am, I get close to people real quick. Plus Mahra looked like she really needed it. We had a nice time showing Mahra around different malls until six pm.

We reached "Joy land" by six- thirty and as expected ,the place was packed. We grabbed a shwarma each and stood in the line for "The Discovery" swing. It was quite uncomfortable standing in a crowded line ,munching away on a shwarma. But it was cool anyway. Mahra clearly wasn't used to all this for she stood beside api and Fatima looking all confused.

I saw fear in her eyes as they scanned up and down "The Discovery". I chuckled,couldn't blame her ,the first time I had laid my eyes on this baby I had almost puked. She was taking it quite well. She handed Zain her shwarma and stared at the floor.

"Zain-n!" I heard her whisper.

"I don't want to ride thi-this monster !!"

"OK you don't have to." Zain replied as he- as he took her hand. Say what??! Why was he holding her hand. Wasn't she a na-mehram??! Before I could do something to move him away from her Api had already stepped forward and snatched her hand away. She gave Zain a well-deserved stern look and he backed off. I saw Api guide her out of the crowd towards a nearby bench.

Ten to fifteen minutes later I finally got onto the monster! Haha! I squealed as it went into the air,defying gravity. The air felt extremely ruthless as it swooshed past my face. Wow! Soon I no longer had to look up to gaze at the moon for "The Discovery " had turned upside down. The world felt so weird. I looked forward and glanced at the bright, full moon.

My insides felt extremely squishy as "The Discovery" took an eastward dip. It had straightened up in no time and I sat once more in a very natural position. Haha! The bad boy makes you miss the good old solid ground for it takes six 360° dives into the air.

My enjoyment was leaving me for the semi-digested shwarma inside my satisfied tummy furiously threatened to leave through my mouth any second. But thankfully it held its ground all through the six dives.

I wanted to jump out,but Fatima's hand firmly held me back. OK I have done this many times before so she knows she must hold me back. I groaned as she refused to let go.

"Don't you dare jump down like a lunatic. The last time you did ,you puked! Remember?" I knew better than to argue and so waited patiently until the joy-land staff undid the belts.

We made our way towards the bench Api and Mahra had gone to. But they were nowhere to be found. Zain gave api a call and told us that Mahra wasn't feeling well and so Api wanted us to go home now. I tried to hold back the annoyance I felt at the news. Seriously my eid day all wasted!! It was only 8pm!!

We got home with a very sick looking Mahra clenching at her stomach. I felt bad for having felt annoyed before. She really needed some rest. Api took her to her room while I took Misba to mine. I closed the door behind me ,softly. We freshened up and changed into our prayer clothes.

"So its 8:40pm now, almost Isha time." Misba remarked. We did our wudu( ablution) and grabbing a prayer mat each went to the drawing room. We talked until the Isha Azan could be heard. After the prayer we went back to my room.

"Missay let's offer tahajud around 3pm!!" I was extremely determined about the change Fatima wanted me to work on.

"Sure dear. Let's put on the alarm. Where's your tablet." She grabbed it and I reached for our cells. After setting up the alarms we got into our PJ's and settled onto the bed.

"We have an hour till ten. What is the Surah plan?" Misba asked. Whenever Misba comes over or I go to her house. There's this thing we almost always do. We choose a Surah of the Quran and download its Tafsir by Nauman Ali Khan and listen to it together. We make notes and discuss. I groaned silently, not this again! But Misba forces me everytime. After the initial ten minutes I get interested too.

"Surah Fatiha ." I remained silent hoping she'd give up so she answered her own question.

"OK" I reluctantly agreed. As usual the initial ten minutes I forced myself to watch it. But then I got glued. Yeah! Nauman Ali khan is awesome Ma Shaa Allah!! We discussed the Tafsir and then slept.

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