The Opening

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Fatima's POV :

"Get up and pray, you lazy bum!" I gave my little sister a friendly kick on the back.

"OK! OK! get off my back , will you? Sara replied,clearly irritated.

"Not until I see you off the bed." I said.

"Fatima, I heard you OK?! AND will pray in a while so go away now." Sara didn't budge. I could see she was reading, 'Persuasion' by Jane Austen,on her tablet.

"How many times are you going to read this book?" I asked, I was starting to feel angry and irritated.

"As many times as I want. Got a problem with that ? "

"Just wait I'm going and telling Mom." I warned her.

"Don't you dare tell on me." Sara sneered at me. I am twenty-one years old, three years Sara's senior. She does NOT make me feel like I am the older sister, it feels like its the other way round.

Sara has thick black hair that reach the small of her back. While I have brown hair just a tad bit longer than hers. We share the same light pink,plump lips and she has a dimple on her left cheek. She's an inch taller than me at 5'5 and a bit heavier than me with a 28 inch waist. While I have a 24 inch waist.

She has the blackest pupils with a bluish ring around. The bluish colour around her pupils is only visible under sunlight. I have light brown almost hazel pupils with a greyish ring around them.

We are polar opposites for she is the garrulous ,explicit kind. I on the other hand am taciturn. She is so adorable haha! Its quite fun listening to her talk to her friends. She is the one doing all the talking and she has a bossy manner of speaking. If you overhear her talking rudely and authoritatively to someone. You should be able to guess that she is talking to 'Misba' , her best friend!

"Cut it out Fati, besides wasn't it you who talked rudely to mom this morning?" she retorted.

That got me quiet, I knew she was right. She was quite the debater. I gave up because I knew it would be impossible to out-talk her.

"OK let's not argue, let's just go and pray together, Sara."

"Fatima, my dear "maulana" , its time that you rid my room of your presence! "

Sara shouted , pushed me out and slammed the door shut in my face. I signed heavily, I wanted Sara to pray with me. It was fun when we prayed together!

Alas, it was not to be, I signed yet again. I went to my room,grabbed the prayer mat and headed to the drawing room to pray.

"Mama", I called out as I saw mama headed the same way.

"Yes? Where's Sara?" Mama asked.

"She's in her room mama."

"Why isn't she coming?"

"I tried to force her into coming but she wouldn't", I replied.

"Mama , I'm sorry about the morning." I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Fatima, my doll, are you still worried about that? I am not angry at all. "

"Jazakallahu Khairan ,mama!!" I said between tears. I don't know why but whenever mom calls me her doll, I can feel hot tears in my eyes.

"Common bachay(child) don't be like that. Hurry up now stop crying and go pray."

Mama wiped away my tears and went towards Sara's room. I figured, Sara would be praying too now. I did not care how angry she would be after mama would be done scolding her. Smiling to myself I started my prayer.


First chapter end



My first try at a story, the school essays don't count as stories right?!:p

I hadfun writing it, I hope you guys have fun reading it!

Enjoy<3<3 I would love to have feedback!




comment, Jazakallahu khairan !:-) :-)

I will write a second chapter if I get requests for ITT.:-) :-)

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