Chapter 26: Worry the past

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Hi I know I'm late but I couldn't find my charger and mental health isn't fun. Enjoy though!

Chapter 26

Charles point of view

I looked at them in fear. I backed up to the soft, white wall. Izuku's eyes were red, Milo looked numb, Shawn looked impatient, Jack looked like he wanted to kill me, and James was probably the only one that looked sane.

I stand up and look at them with a nervous smile.

"Hey, hey, let's calm down." I said to them.

"You better sit the fuck down! I'm already ready to kill you anytime! Don't try me, bitch!" Jack yelled.

Shawn grabbed his shoulder. Jack looked over to him with anger but then calmed down after Shawn looked at him. Izuku stepped up to me.

He was grabbing his shoulder in nervousness. He was wearing comfortable clothes. He didn't look me in the eye. I try to walk towards him but he growls. He whips his head towards me as tears fall down his face.

I looked into his ghostly green eyes.

"I trusted you, Charles. I don't understand why you had to lie to me!" he barked at me. I felt my knees go weak as I fell to the padding, "If you were actually doing good we would let you back in if you actually didn't do this!" he said with so much venom.

I started laughing as tears. I looked up at him with a crazed smile as my tail wagged low. He thinks I didn't do anything?!

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I've helped you! You didn't have to deal with mom! You didn't have to deal with the grieving! I gave you time to get over her! You didn't have to deal with the fucking responsibilities! You can't say that Izuku!" I wailed back.

I started to walk away around the room but I get tackled down by Izuku. My ears twitch with annoyance. I couldn't touch him because they are hallucinations. I already know I'm getting weak because I can see them.

I let my hands rest on the ground. I looked at him with a snarl. Not as bad as our alphas though.

"No, you don't get to play that card! I could have fucking handled it! I have my mates that I could lean on! I could have done so many things to help me but you took over!" he said.

Izuku must have been mad because he swore. I tried to get him off of me but he didn't move. My ears twitched. I growled under my breath. Does he really think his mates could help him? I smile.

"Really? You really think our mates can help us? Would they help you if they found out what we've done? They will just dump us like what other people did!" I yelled at him.

Izuku looked at me confused as he looked deeply into my eyes. His tail wagged with curiousity.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

I bared my teeth into a big toothy grin. Izuku got off of me and stood by my head. I looked at him as he did. He crossed his arms.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jack put on a snarl. I got up and leaned against the wall. Izuku and I both crossed our arms.

I shake my head with dismay as I continued to smile.

"Poor, poor, Izuku. I guess, Jack over here, hasn't told you what he did." I said with fake sadness, "Well, Izuku the sad thing is that he killed a lot of people just to get some money." I said to him.

Izuku's eyes popped out of his head and turned to Jack. Jack growled under his breath as he looked at me, ready to kill. Jack walked over to me as Izuku was still frozen with shock.

The love for their IzukuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz