Chapter 2: Comforting

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Chapter 2

When he comes back to normal. He notices that his mates are right next to his desk. They look at him. Everyone was already out of the classroom.

"Hey bunny, you okay your scent seems...tense." Shouto says.

He looks down at, Izuku. Their eyes meet. Izuku, turns his head from him.

"Oh it's nothing it's just me wondering if I will pass." Izuku, says with a smile.

"Okay nerd lets go to our next class or we'll be late." Katsuki, says.

Izuku, turns to the other alpha and smiles.

"Yeah lets go." Izuku, says happily

Izuku, gets from his seat, and walks out the door with his soulmates.

~Time skip to lunch~

Izuku, couldn't really concentrate on his classes. He was either talking to the personalities or just thinking.

Good thing it was finally lunch he really had nothing to worry about. Today he going to sit with his boyfriends. He started going to the lunch line alone, because his boyfriends have different classes. He was getting what he was going to eat and sat down at a table.

~In his head~

"How's everyone doing?" Izuku, asks.

"I want to fucking punch something!" Jack, says.

"Which is normal." Shawn, says

Jack turns to him slowly. He has bloodlust in his eyes.

"I'll show you what's fuckin' normal." Jack, says

He jumped on Shawn, knocking him over. They were both rolling over on the floor until, James popped in. James, separated them both and told them to sit down on the couch. They did as they were told and sat down. Milo, was sleeping on the ground. They were lucky not to wake him cause if they did they would be dead.

"We are doing fine. How about you from the incident this morning?" James, asks.

"I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking. I totally forgot about it. I know I will be fine. Even if they did find out I am pretty sure they won't think of me as a villain." Izuku, chirped.

"Okay." James, said.

James, sat down in between, Jack and Shawn so he knew that they wouldn't fight.

~Outside of Izuku's head~

Once, he got out of his thoughts he saw his boyfriends sitting down across from him. Katsuki and Todoroki were eating. As, soon as he saw them he started eating his food. A few minutes pass and all you hear is chewing and munching.

"Are you sure your okay, bunny. You've been spacing out in class and not focused." Todoroki, said.

Izuku, looked down at his food. He didn't want to make eye to eye contact, because if he did he would feel guilty for lying to his mates. Todoroki, looked at him and got from his seat to sit next to him. When he sat down he grabbed his chin, and he made his face look up at him. Izuku, avoided eye contact still.

"Look at me." Shouto, said in his alpha tone that he rarely used.

Izuku, was shocked and looked at him in his eyes. He could feel, Shouto stare into his soul. Once, Bakugou noticed he got up from his seat and sat next to, Izuku.

"Tell me what is wrong." Shouto, used his alpha voice again.

Izuku, had tears in his eyes. Shouto, let go of his chin, and Izuku hugged him tight. Izuku, cried into his chest. Shouto, put his arms around him, and he put his hand through his hair to calm him down. Bakugou, went up and rubbed his back. Once, his stopped crying he looked at, Shouto.

"You know in the assignment we had to do research on the v-villains?" Izuku, asked.

Shouto nodded. Looking down at him.

"W-well I went to the last page and i-it was," Izuku, hesitated then looked down, both of the alphas put out a calming scent to calm him down "it was my dad. I was, so worried that everyone would hate me, because of it. I thought I was going to lose you two I was terrified of what you would say and d-do." Izuku said.

Izuku felt a hand hit him across his head. Then, he was tugged into a hug. It was, Bakugou. He looked at him like he wanted to kill him.

"You are so fucking dumb, Deku. I should smack you across the face until you understand that, we love you." Katsuki, said.

Izuku turned around and hugged him tight. Bakugou, didn't say the nicest words, but he is always the best with his actions. Izuku, smiled in his chest. Once, he was let go of him they planted a kiss on to his cheeks. Which made him heat up. He was red as a tomato. Which made them both laugh.

~inside of his head~

Milo, was on the floor crying, because well he's a child and kids cry easily. James, was typing away on his computer. Jack, was punching a punching bag. And Shawn, well he was sleep on the couch. The one thing they all felt right now was embarrassment and loved. They all felt content with that feeling. They were happy to have, Kacchan and Shouto to call mates and soulmates.

~outside Izuku's head~

Lunch was over. They both walked beside him to his class. Todoroki, was on his left and Katsuki, on the right. Kacchan, has his scary glare all through the hallway while, Todoroki had a his stone face but you could see a little smile on his face. Once, they reached the classroom they all took their seats and sat down.

~time skip to the end of the day~

They were all together when they walked home. They talked about their day until they reached their apartment which was part of the schools. They walked in and set there stuff down in the living room, so they could get working. They set their stuff down and started working in the living room. Izuku, layed on the floor, Bakugou was working on the desk, and Todoroki worked on the couch. It was quiet. All you could hear was typing, page flipping, pencil writing, and breathing. It was a peaceful environment. An hour passes and Izuku is done with his homework, so he starts talking to his personalities, so he didn't disturb his mates.

~Inside Izuku's head~

"Oh my GOSH! I hate how peaceful it is! IT'S SO FUCKING ANNOYING!" Jack, screamed which made him have a little headache.

"It's nice for it to be peaceful, Jack" Izuku, smiled as he said this in his head.

"Yeah whatever FUCK YOU!" Jack, said.

"Jeez why do you have to be so loud?" Milo, asked.

Jack, got up and slowly turned his head around to meet, Milo's eyes. Milo, was scared to see those eyes, so he hid behind, James. James, turned to him with a warning glare. Jack, sat back down and turned back to the front of the room where they could see what, Izuku is seeing. Izuku in reality was staring at his paper.

"Because, I fucking can." Jack, grumbled.

Shawn, was on the couch across from, Jack. He began to snicker. Jack, turned towards him and started tackling him down the ground. Which resulted them cursing at each other and fighting at each other while rolling on the ground. Izuku, started laughing when they did that. James, rolled his eyes and started walking over to them.

"Childish." James, said under his breath.

He separated them from each other and made this sit on the couch. James, went to go sit back down on the kitchen table with his laptop. The boys on the couch would send death glares at each other. Izuku, rolled his eyes at them. He was really glad he had his personalities that he could talk to. It always cheered him up.

~Outside of Izuku's head~

Izuku, looked at the clock. It was 5:00 pm he was surprised how fast time went when he was talking to the voices. He looked and saw Todoroki, on the couch watching T.V while Katsuki, was cooking dinner. He stood up and grabbed his stuff to put into the room that they shared. He put his stuff in a corner. He looked around the room then left.

Chapter 2 End

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