"Sleeping in was too troublesome." He replied. I halfheartedly smiled, before closing my eyes, and taking one last deep breath in.


I walked to the group of people in black surrounding the alter with names, pictures and flowers. I didn't want to be here.

I was walking alone. Shikamaru had to go off with his father, and Toge was with Kiba and his family. I was too uncomfortable to ask if I could stay with Shikamaru. So I was alone in the crowd. I wore my headband in it's usual place, on my leg. I was watching as a line of people, most genin, rookies, might I add, lay flowers on the table where you were supposed to. I refused to do such a thing. I wasn't going to show my "caring" by giving a god damned flower to a deal soul who wasn't even listening anymore. 

"Kuraun." I heard Kakashi say behind me. I didn't respond. I knew what he was going to say, and I felt the weight of the black rose behind my ear grow more and more.

"You need to place a flower there." He instructed. I shook my head slowly.

"I will not do such a thing. It is dishonoring the soul that once lived, who is no longer bound to the earth, to think that they are listening and watching over you because you gave them a flower." I defended, my tone light but harsh at the same time. He sighed.

"I am sorry, but in this village-"

"I know. I know you think you are sorry and I know that that is what is honorable in this village." I said, taking the rose out from behind my ear and looking at it. I was the last person to put a flower on the table. In fact, I was so late, there wasn't even any line to do so. I just walked straight ahead, cradling the flower in my hands, and looking at it before looking up at the picture. 

"I'm sure you would find my discomfort with this amusing, Hokage." I said, joking. Though, it didn't come out that way. Maybe that was good, for tomorrow.

I threw the flower on the table, watching it as it floated down with the others, but being the most contrasted of the bunch, being the only black one.

"I meant a white one." Kakashi chastised once I got back to where I was previously standing. It then started to rain, drenching the flowers. I didn't care much for my appearance, already anticipating it was going to rain. I stared at the flowers, watching each drop fall on the petals of the black one, dancing on it before slowly falling off. 

My flower fell off the table, pushed by the rain, and when it did, I'm not going to lie, I made a faint sound of pain, indicating that my heart had broken completely. Kakashi heard it, and put a hand on my shoulder. And, as an instinct I had had since I was eleven, I shook it off, hating the feeling of a warm touch in a cold weather. 

I felt many pairs of eyes on me. I guess the sound I made was louder than I thought. I didn't look for a while, only looking at the flower, and how it was blowing away in the sudden burst of wind. I made an even more pain stricken noise, and my fingers flinched forward as I was going to reach for it, but stopped, knowing I couldn't do that. 

We're Stuck Here So Lets Have Some "Fun" ~Completed~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora