Old guy lunges for me but I'm quicker and slide further down the bartop. "For fuck's sake why can't y'all just answer a simple question!" I holler out in frustration.

"Why the hell you want to know about my wife so badly you little bitch!" Old guy roars.

Well, I wasn't expecting that. . .

"Come again? Did you say wife?" I ask and walk back to the old guy and squat down in front of him. He glares at me in that way that says he is picturing all the ways he is wanting to kill me but like I've said before I'm here for answers and nothing is going to scare me off.

"I did, Lilly is my wife so now you better start talking about what business you got with my old lady. His greenish-brown eyes burning into my soul along with his interrogative tone.

"So she is married, I guess you could be of use for me after all," I reply.

"How so?!"

"Take me to her and I'll tell both of you what I'm here for, deal?"

"Fuck no!"

Huffing out in annoyance and irritation I get in the man's face, "Take me to her now! I promise to air all my dirty laundry once you do as I ask."

"Again fuck no. How am I s'pose to know if you ain't a lying little bitch looking to hurt my lady."

Anger turns my turquoise-steel irises into flaming pools, I growl in my throat as I snarl at the man who insulted me.

"I don't lie, I don't betray, and I never stab people in the back. I despise dishonesty!" My words come out like acid, educating this fuckstick about my character.

He takes a moment to stare me down, his hazel gaze locked on my molten metal one.

"Fine, follow me, keep up though. I ain't turning back if you lose me and I ain't gonna ride at a kindergarten speed," he grumbles and starts storming out of the bar, me hot on his heels.

I go right to my bike and hop on, not bothering with a helmet, I rarely use one on a normal basis except really long rides, but I'm also not about to piss around with one when this man has no intentions of waiting for me. I hear a bike crank over and the deep rumble of the custom Harley, he starts to back out of a spot and drive out of the lot, and I waste no time in riding his ass.

He wasn't joking about riding slow or taking his time for me, there was even a point where he tried to lose me on purpose but I'm a very skilled biker and can keep up with the best of the best. After all, I've been a biker chick since birth.

Pulling in to a long dirt driveway that opens up to a huge property surrounded by tall metal fencing, motorcycles are strewn about all over the place along with a few pickups. A mountain of a man steps out of a booth in front of the gates and signals to old guy, old guy signals back and the gate slides open.

He parks by the entrance to this massive barn, hopping off his bike with me copying he approaches me. "You're still a little bitch but I give props when they are due. . . That was some nice ridin' you did. Not many are known to keep up with me."

I nod my head out of respect and my thanks, the man is a major dickhead but my daddy taught me manners, sort of.

"You stick to your word or I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your pretty little head. Got it?" He warns and I just glare at the asshole.

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