Chapter 6

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John's POV
When Smaug was finally asleep, I snuck out of his embrace and quietly searched for any sign of the Arkenstone. I hate lying to him, but the stone made everyone go crazy. I can't have this around him if it means I can keep him safe from Thorin and his Dragon sickness. I searched through the piles of treasure for about hour until I saw the stone on my necklace begin to glow a bright blue. I was perplexed, my necklace has never turned blue before, what did it mean? it wasn't until I saw the same glow coming from under Smaug's feet that I understood. The stone that I was wearing was a piece of the Arkenstone, and Smaug must have kept the other half of it under all his treasures hoping no one would find it. I clutched my glowing necklace and tried to come up with a plan, then it hit me I could give Gandalf half of the Arkenstone but keep the other half around my neck so it couldn't realise its full effect. Thinking fast I slipped on my invisibility ring and grabbed the Arkenstone from under the pile of gold coins. "just what do you think your doing Halfling?"  I jumped at the sound of Smaug's voice, crap he had caught me. I hid the stone behind my back as I turned around, Smaug has changed back into a dragon and was glaring at me like I was his next dinner. "Wait this isn't what it looks like, I promise!" I said trying to explain.  "I think it's precisely what it looks like, you used my affection for you, so you could steal the other half of the Arkenstone and bring it to those backstabbing dwarves!" I don't remember ever seeing him this angry, "please just let me explain"I pleaded but Smaug was to hurt and angry to listen. "Silence you theif, nothing you say will change anything  I don't even know who you are anymore!" I was about to try and explain myself again but I was too ashamed to speak, "Leave this place and never come back, I never want to see you or hear from you ever again!"  Heartbroken and ashamed of myself I ran out of the cave with tears running down my face, I didn't stop till I was far away from the mountain. I sat under a nearby try and just let myself burst into tears, I hate myself for breaking Smaug's heart, I hate Throin for wanting the Arkenstone, and I hate Gandalf for once again ruining my happiness. I aware that I'm talking but I don't know what I'm saying, I could be cursing myself for trying to steal from the one creature that loves me, I could be telling Smaug who wasn't there that I loved him more than anything, I sit under the tree for hours., until my eyes are so heavy that I fall asleep. 

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