Chapter 3

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John's POV
It was a typical day, I woke up at about 5 am and prepared breakfast for myself. After I had finished, I went outside and layed on the grass and spent the next few hours star gazing. I remember when I was little, Smaug would take me outside during the night and tell me about the stars. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I don't fit in, first of all, I'm a half-ling
and hardly anyone treats me with respect. I'm also an introvert and prefer to spend my time alone, the only thing that gives me any comfort is the necklace I wear every day. It keeps all the faint memories that I have of my dragon close. I know for a fact he's real and that he loved me, despite what Gandalf and the other dwarves tell me. Smaug wasn't evil he may have been once but I saw the real him and he wasn't evil. I grab my necklace tightly and felt my eyes begin to close, it wasn't long till I was sleeping.
I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but when I woke up the sky was a light blue and the sun was shining right into my eyes. "Hey look boys, the freak is finally awake," great just what I need Throin and his sidekicks. "I'm not a freak Throin," I said defending myself. "Oh come now Bilbo, you talk to the ghosts of your dead parents." Throin laughed "my name isn't Bilbo," Throin just kept laughing. "Your right you don't have a name, because no one bothered to give you one." I couldn't take anymore so I began to walk away. "Hey wait freak, I wanna walk you home!" Throin said pulling me towards him, "let go!" Throin smiled and pushed me onto the pavement. "Aww is the little Hobbit gonna cry?" I had to bite my lip to keep from bursting into tears, "why do you hate me so much?!" I asked barely able to hide the fear in my voice, "Because your nothing but a mentally damaged halfling who believes a psychopath dragon saved his life," "Smaug did save me and he was real!" I shouted, Throin shushed me by stuffing my month with a towel. "Shut up, you're not worthy enough to speak." Throin pulled out a sharp knife and plunged it into my stomach. I screamed, fearing that he was going to kill me. But, "what how is he  unharmed?!" I opened my eyes to see that no damage had been done to me, before I could think about to much the stones on my necklace glowed a bright orange. The glow than faded away and Throin ran for the hills in fear. "What just happened, did my necklace just save me?" At that exact moment I remembered something "the stones are said to protect those who wear it," 'my god' I thought to myself.

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