Chapter 2

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"Do you like your gift John?" Smaug asked, John, nodded"it's petty, but why is there a rock on it?" Smaug laughed "treasure that's not a rock its a tooth," John gave his dragon confused look "but tooths come from mouths?" Smaug nodded "your right treasure, but this tooth fell out a long time ago. That's why it's on the necklace," Smaug unhooked the chain on the necklace and placed on John's neck. "Smau- Smau ?" "yes, treasure." "What does the necklace mean?" Smaug smiled "it's a way of showing my love to you, but it also protects you ." John smiled but he still had questions on his mind "how will it protect me?" " The white rocks are pieces of a particular stone, the stone was created to by the dragons 100 of years, the stone is said to protect those who wear it." John smiled "I wove it, can I keep it Smau- Smau?" Smaug nodded "of course I made the necklace for you." John examined the gift around his neck and hugged his dragon, "thank you Smau- Smau, I'll never take it off." "I'm glad you like it, John." All of a sudden Smaug expression changed from Happiness to uneasiness, "John I need to go outside, stay here ok." "But Smau, I wanna come too, " "I can't take you with me, its too dangerous stay in here where its safe and you see someone come in here don't let find you ok." John nodded "Smau- Smau," "what is it treasure?" "you come back right," "Of course I'll come back, I'll always come back for you. " Smaug unfolded his wings and flew out of the cave, John stayed in the cave waiting for his dragon to come back. But he didn't, John had been in the cave for 2 days and Smaug had not come back. John began to worry, did something happen to Smaug, why was he not here? John felt tears fall from his face, "Tharin I'm sure I heard a child's cry, do you think Smaug is keeping one captive?" A new voice asked, "I didn't hear anything Gandalf, you're probably just hearing things." John instantly began looking for a place to hide but he tripped on one of Smaug's treasures and fell right in front of the two strangers. "My goodness, he was keeping a child with him," "please don't hurt me, I just waiting for Smau- Smau  to come back." John pleaded "Do you mean Smaug, the dragon was placed into a lifetime slumber." One of the strangers said, " where are your parents' kid?' the other one asked, " Mommy and Daddy  not here anymore ." John said sadly "Gandalf, this must be Bunga and Belladonna's son." The first stranger said, "I don't believe it, I thought for sure Bilbo had perished." "Well looks like, that someone who killed his parents stole him." "Bilbo everything is alright now, we're going to take you home." The grey stranger said picking him up, " but I wive here and my name is John " John said confused "everything will be explained in time, come along Bilbo." John was angry now "No, dwarf bad I want  Smau- Smau!" Tharin was getting frustrated "Gandalf, keep him quiet." Gandalf sighed and immensely cast a spell that kept John from talking. "mph!"

End of Flashback

A teenage John awoke ending his long dream, "It was just a dream." John told himself, he got out of his bed and clutched the necklace he was wearing. "I don't care what anyone thinks, that dragon was real and he loved me."

A/N to anyone who's confused, John(Bilbo) calls Smaug,Smau- Smau because he can't say his name .

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