Chapter 86 Drifter

Start from the beginning

Ash:Exile shell. check the slash.

I see nekros in the distance he stares at me and i stare at him.

Ash:Anyways...take me to him please.

Forazt hestiantly escorts me to the main throne room

Jevos:Hmm? Ash? Is that you?

Ash:I served my sentence and have the right to be here.

Jevos:You are indeed right. I will listen to you.

I look at the door

Ash:The void. Is your greatest enemy correct?

Jevos:Yes. Where are you going with this?

Ash:They are one of our greatest hopes in this moment of crisis

Jevos stands up.


Ash:They can erase the shells code. Entirely. They will be able to erase shells.

Jevos:Are you suggesting I suddenly start a pact with the corrupted history thieves?

Ash:No....and yes....If you cant or cannot bring yourself to do it. You can ensnare them.

Jevos:Into the void?

Ash:yes. Or you can again my the pact. Offer only your fallen soldiers. They would appreciate the gesture.


Ash:They would probably say something like "we will reclaim you later" or something but...we can deal with that time when it comes to pass this menace....must be dealt with. We both know this.

Jevos:I will take it into consideration. Thank you ash.

I walk out the room and see nekros he walks up to me

Nekros:Didnt expose me. Why?

Ash:because you most likely would have done something drastic.

Nekros:You understand we now know....

Ash:Hehe no you dont.

I point my finger at him and shoot and mind control beam at him

Nekros:Gh....Gahh....You wretch!


I grab him and open a rift hole and push him in while hes trying to break out of the mind control.



I grab his face while hes trying to resist and lights shoot out and warp him back


Oh shit that actually worked. I think i just took a memory by accident. I walk away after letting him go hoping he wont notice me while hes stunned and ask how I got off the motherboard or something. I pass forazt on my way back.

Forazt:your leaving so soon.

Ash:Came for a message that was all. Good luck to you and again sorry about the rush situation.

He looks down while I hop in my ship and take off again.

Ash:Now for the steel merridan

I start heading towards there base and i pull in my ship to there entrance bay.

???:Who is it.

Ash:Its ash.

I look out and see a harrow ive never seen before.

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