Sweet Pea: Mean Kitty Headcanon

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-you had a cat and you loved it very much

-Sweet Pea, on the other hand, hated it but it hated him as well

-"Babe, I swear that thing is evil!" "Oh stop overreacting, Pea. Look at how cute and fluffy and chu-ow! Okay, maybe not chubby, but fluffy and cute."

-every time Pea would pull into the driveway, your cat would wait at the door with its tail swishing back and forth

-your cat follows Sweet Pea everywhere and if he gets to close, your cat will start to meow and try and climb on your lap

-he seriously hates when you two are in your bed and the cat appears

-you've walked in on them having stare downs, like full on legit staredowns

-"Pea, I love you but I'm not getting rid of my cat because you're a little bitch."

-"Have you not seen how it looks at me?! That thing is evil!" he left with teeth marks in his hand

-your cat didn't mind other people, but as soon as Sweet Pea entered the room it went full on Cujo kitty

-"I will fight you motherfu-oh hey babe. What? No, I wasn't threatening your cat. Psh, never. *Whispers* I will fuck you up."

-eventually, Sweet Pea gave up trying to fight back and just started bringing your cat new treats and such every once in a while

-your cat never really liked him, but they did love the treats

-your cat moving from aggressive to passive-aggressive and getting hair all over him/sleeping on his face

-your cat moving from aggressive to passive-aggressive and getting hair all over him/sleeping on his face

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