Sweet Pea: Kiss It Better

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Warnings: Heckin sad

Based off of Kiss It Better by He Is We

The young couple held hands as they walked down the dark street. Sweet Pea smiled as the girl next to him kept looking at the ring on her finger. "I love you so much Pea," She mumbled as she leaned into his side.

Before the boy had a chance to respond, a loud bang rang through the air. The girl that was once holding onto his hand now laid on the ground. Sweet Pea quickly got down and pulled her into his arms. "Baby, stay with me. Come on, please don't leave," the Ghoulie watched in horror as he saw the serpent tattoo inked into his neck.

The gun fell out of his hands and Sweet Pea turned. As the man tried to run off, Sweet Pea shot him in the back. The body fell to the ground, lifeless as Sweet Pea pulled the bleeding girl back into his arms.

Tears streamed down her face as she looked up at him. "Kiss it better, please. I'm not ready to go," she groaned as she lifted her arm to his face. "Don't worry baby, everything will be okay," tears were now streaming down the boys face as her eyes fluttered closed.

Rough hands grabbed his arms as the paramedics rushed over to her. Handcuffs were placed on Sweet Pea as he watched his fiance be put into a body bag. He thrashed against the restraints, causing more cops to drag him into the police car.

Sheriff Keller looked at the scene, his heart breaking for the young boy. As he followed the other cop cars back to the station, he kept thinking of a way to help the boy.

As Sweet Pea sat with a bunch of serpents, one of the oldest ones looked at him. "What'cha in here for boy? You look way to young." Sweet Pea's stone cold eyes met his as he showed no emotion. "25 to life because I took the life of the man who ruined mine." Everyone sat in silence, everyone around them continuing to work out and enjoy the little time they got outside.

"Care to elaborate?" Another one asked. "Me and my fiance were walking home then some Ghoulie shot her. He stupidly dropped his gun and I avenged her." "Alright, back to your cells!" The guards started to round up the inmates, leading them back to the cells.

The same older serpent from earlier pat Sweet Pea back as they stood up. "I'm sorry," were the only words that came out of his mouth before he disappeared into the crowd. "Golly green giant! Did you not hear me? Back to your cell!" A guard shouted at Sweet Pea, breaking the boy from his trance.

As all the lights went out in the prison, Sweet Pea sat on the edge of his bed. Tears started to slip down his face as he replayed their first date.

A loud laugh escaped the girl as she sat in the booth. "You're trying to tell me that you, out of all people, are being Santa this year?" Sweet Pea nodded as he took a sip of his milkshake. "If I'm not mistaken, Santa is supposed to be fat and jolly. Not 6'5 and brooding." Sweet Pea laughed as the girl smiled.

"Wow, thanks. Am I really that broody?" "Almost as bad as Jughead." As the girl finished her sentence, Sweet Pea put his hood up. He pretended to type on a computer as he took a bite of his burger. "I'm not like you, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo." The entire time, Sweet Pea kept a straight face as the girl held her stomach from laughing so hard.

"What's going on here?" A new voice asked as they walked up to the table. The girls laughter got louder as Sweet Pea started to laugh. "Oh nothing," she said through the giggles. "Am I interrupting something?" Jughead asked, looking at Sweet Pea with a confused look.

"They're finally on a date!" Pop shouted from behind the counter, causing a smirk to spread across Jughead's face. "Toni owns me 5 bucks!" He said before rushing out of the diner. After he left, the both of you instantly broke out into more laughter.

The rest of the night was full of laughter and love between the two. Both knowing that this was the beginning of something amazing.

As more tears fell down the boys face, he pulled a small picture out from inside his pillowcase. "Stay with me, until I fall asleep," he mumbled, holding the picture close to him. Toni snuck it to him during visiting hours, knowing the love of his life was the only thing that would keep him going.

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