Sweet Pea: Knuckles Part 2

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Based on Fine,Great by Modern Baseball

*I hate worrying about the future
Cause all my current problems are based around the past
And I hate when you call me late at night
Just to check in to make sure I got nothing to be sad about
But it's alright
And I'm okay
I won't need your help, anyway
Ah, well
I hate having to think about my future
When all I wanna do is worry about everyone but me*

As you held the phone up to your ear for the hundredth time, it finally started to ring. "What's up hot stuff," Reggie said as he wiped his tears away. "Are you alright? You haven't answered your phone all day," as you mumbled on, Reggie cut in. "I'm okay, I don't need you to call me all the time like you're my mother." After that, the line went dead, making you sigh and flop back onto your bed.

*I'm so tired
Or maybe just bored
I can't really tell the difference whenever I'm talking to you
And I know that
You just adore
Starting off with me, that way that there's no way that I'll assume
That you're wasting
All of my time
To vent about your problems like how your Instagram stopped working
And how your friends
Bailed on you
But it was funny cause it was the day you were supposed to hang with me*

You sat next to Reggie on the bench, his arm around your shoulder as he scrolled through his phone. A frustrated sigh came out of his mouth as he locked the screen. "Damn phone and always crashing when I'm on Instagram," He grumbled as he pulled his arm back to his side. Both his hands were now on the phone as he complained to you, trying to fix it. You two sat there for a total of almost 20 minutes as he kept playing with his phone. As you guys made your way to Pop's, Reggie started to talk about the Bulldogs and how they were determined to win their game tomorrow.

*I'm guilty as charged for leading you on
A lie that I know is easy to see
But it's crucial to blot out any
Signs that I might have feelings
This way you don't ask me how am I
This way you won't force me to proceed
With actually having to tell you my worries
With actually having you give a damn about me
You giving a damn about*

Tears filled your eyes as you looked at the boy in front of you. "Oh stop crying, you knew we weren't going to last," Reggie said as he looked at you. His face was as blank as it always was, showing no signs of empathy. "I didn't know that Reggie. But I should have," you said as you pushed through the crowd of kids in the hall. Reggie walked off to the opposite end of the school, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible before anyone asked any questions.

*I hate worrying about the future
Cause all my fucking problems are based around the past
And I hate when you call me late at night

Just to check in to make sure I got nothing to be sad aboutBut it's alright

And I'm okay
I won't need your help anyway

Ah, well
I hate having to think about my future
When all I wanna do is worry about everyone but me*

As you laid in your bed, your phone lit up. You groaned and reached for it, tears welling back up as you looked at who it was. As quick as the name popped up, it was gone. After typing in your password, you checked your call logs. It showed a missed call from Reggie. A sigh escaped your lips as you thought about calling him and making sure he was okay. Before you could, another name popped up on your screen, bringing a smile to your face. Sweetest of the Pea's is calling.

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