Chapter 14

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The room was cold yet I could feel my sweat run down my forehead, I didn't want to hear she lied to me all along, she used me somehow and that she wore a facade. She was the one who looked after me when no one was there for me. She guided me, taught me many things, helped me throughout my life.

Groove paused for a bit as if he was trying to recall something. "Do you remember her demise, Alex? he asked.

"Yes, clearly"

"Do you remember what happened to those 2 men who killed her?"

"Yes, I saw their heads in the mansion"

"And you did something, didn't you"

"Yes, banged them against the wall till their faces were unrecognizable"

"Fascinating" Groove smirked.

"What does that have to do with my mother anyway"

"I think what you did to them was brutal after all they helped you in one way or another" Grove added.

"How evil was she?" I asked clutching the white sheet in anger. 

"Hey, I won't call her evil if I were you" he tried to calm me down.

"Then tell me the truth, Groove"

"Well, the truth is that she chose to die for your sake, she asked those 2 men to kill her but not to harm you, she made those men kill her in front of you, I don't know why but I can guess her motive was to make you a strong person, she gave you a reason to live, she wanted you to get revenge and maybe she wanted to fulfill your wish of seeing the world from the outside. Feelings are complicated, they sometimes make you a strong person but at times they make you vulnerable, weak and vague"

She made me what I was today, I could clearly recall her words and now they made sense to me, she wanted me to be the winner, she wanted me to be what I am today and was the person who actually died for my sake, maybe she didn't want me to suffer but wanted me to prevail and if she wanted me to be the savior, then I was more than happy to get rid of the remaining pests.

"Look, Groove, I think I am more than ready to make things happen, I have nothing to lose, I've already lost everything but the least I can do is remember her till my last breath as she said a person reaches its end when he's forgotten but she'll always be a part of me"

"I am very glad you made a decision, Alex and good that it's a positive one, we will be giving you a proper introduction on what your task is," Groove said and left the room, I only watched as the drops fell and entered my veins. I laid down on the bed and questioned my own existence and thought if I was making the right decision but in the end, I realized I didn't care anymore and I despised humans and my mother surely knew about it and wanted me to destroy evil. 

A moment of times passed by and I realized the drops didn't fall and the container was empty, this time I thought it would be okay to pull out the needle so I did and sat as I waited impatiently for what awaited me. 

The door opened again and a man (Probably another robot) asked me to come along. I followed him and witnessed the well-lit corridor and endless streams of wires above us. My bare feet barely made any sound as I walked. He led me through a door where a group of what seemed to be surgeons awaited me along with Groove. 

"Welcome, Alex, we summoned you to brief you on your mission and of course, get you an artificial arm," said one of them and asked me to lay on the stretcher. He put on the gloves and took a memory chip out of the box secured by a password. 

"We will implant this chip in your brain, it contains all the things you need to know including what you need to do and how to do. This chip can store 100 petabytes of information which you can recall at any time, furthermore, with this, your feelings will disappear, sadness, joy, love, anger, you won't feel any of it but you will feel pain, perhaps you will function as a human without feelings, nothing else will change, your precious memories will still be there. Now then if you are ready then shall we begin?" The surgeon asked looking at me.

"Yes, I am ready."

"Good," he said and the doctor dragged the stretcher to what seemed to be an operation theatre, soon other surgeons gathered and placed an oxygen mask and injected some sort of liquid which made me unconscious, soon the whispers too faded away and I entered into the darkness.

It felt as I was drowning deep down into the dark matter, down and down, it felt as if it was a lucid dream, the sound of raindrops I never heard before echoed, the sound of rustling of trees and sound of people whispering filled my ears. Soon it felt like I hit the surface and sounds faded away, just one remained, the sound of silence. The light stabbed my eye wanting me to seek it, I approached it, making my way through the darkness and escaping the silence. I walked and walked and until I had reached it. A huge door slightly opened, allowing the light to escape. Gently pushing the door I went in, it felt like heaven, the cool breeze, the greenery, blue sky and clouds stopping sunlight to pass. I stood there inhaling the fresh air and appreciating the beauty but it didn't last long. The ground trembled, causing me to fall on my face, the wind blowing away the trees and the dark clouds replacing white. 

The agonizing screams calling for help, I saw people running, trembling deep in fear. I watched as some fell on the barren ground. Crying. And then I saw the reason why they were running away, they were escaping from a vile creature who was pursuing them. I had never seen such being before, his eyes glowing red and mouth wide open with countless sharp teeth and a slippery long tongue hanging out dropping saliva. His huge claws sticking out of their pale green fingers. A huge tail he dragged along with them, forming a fissure.

The creature then stopped, turned and faced me. Its insides were visible, the structure was much like that of a human. I took a step back, ready to run for it but it only watched me for a split second and approached a woman who couldn't run anymore. She dragged herself away from the monster but it was no good, the monster tore her in shreds and consumed her in one go. The sight was gruesome, then he started to change, the colour of its body and shape changed slowly, the tail disappeared and tongue went back inside. There stood a young man with red eyes, his mouth covered with blood. 

"Welcome, Alex," he said and walked away licking his fingers.

My eyes opened and I saw the doctors staring at me, "the surgery was a success, Alex" one of them said. My head was hurting and my left arm was in pain too. I looked at the new metallic arm, It moved flawlessly and felt so light. The memories too surrounded me and I could recall everything, even my mother's death, her screams, her love but for the first time, thinking about it didn't make me sad. 

"Now you know, Alex, what you have to do, you don't really have to save humans but save humanity from the cunning creatures who pose as humans, make our creator's wish come true, make your mother's wish come true and go take your revenge, humanity awaits a saviour" said Groove.

"I am itching to kill them," I smirked.

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