Chapter 8

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"Are you guys ready?" asked Luke after shoving a water bottle inside his bag pack, we both gave him a tight nod, I noticed he had the sword which I used in the battle, "Where did you get this?" I asked pointing to the majestic sword, "You were carrying it with you and since you can't use it, I'm gonna borrow it for a while" he replied before giving me a smile.

It was a tad bit dark since we headed out at dawn, the wind was chilling and it was cozy outside. I let out a deep breath, I did face some problem while walking but it was worth it. If it could go according to my plan then we would no longer have to run or hide. "people up front, only 2" Luke whispered. It looked like they were from dragons probably on patrol.

"I'll go talk to them" I volunteered and acted according to the plan we agreed upon yesterday, the guards noticed my presence and walked towards me, they seemed to recognize me from the duel earlier and I was pretty sure they won't kill me.

"Take me to Steve McMillan, I have to talk to him regarding some issues and yeah the guys you see over there", I pointed to Emma and Luke who were standing about 50 meters away, "they are coming too" I ordered. They both agreed. I called Luke and Emma and the guards led us to the King's Steve mansion. I was seeing it for the first time from outside, it was huge and aesthetic. After some interrogation at the entrance gate, they let us inside and we were then taken to King Steve himself.

I took a deep breath, my heart was pounding, I didn't know if it would work or not, King Steve my very own father who took away my left arm entered the hall and sat on his throne. "What brings you back? Alex", he asked and then gave a weird look to my clan mates. "I am here to join the dragons" I stated.

The king smirked, "You sound more mature now" he said. "Actually, I have a few favors to ask you" I uttered. He raised an eyebrow towards me.

"Firstly I want you to put an end to the killings and also finish off the central" I continued. His smirk turned into a laugh, an evil one. He laughed his heart out and his guards too did the same. he soon finished and said " Fool, you still don't understand me, you just came here to tell me this shit? You said the same thing back then and looks like you haven't learned anything, you want to lose more limbs or what?" he mocked. I looked over my shoulder to Luke and Emma, they had their gaze down on the ground. I then faced the King.

"Innocent kids are being killed, who haven't lived their lives, you kill people twice, once when you slaughter their loved ones and other time when you sink your knives in them, how would that actually feel? I know how it feels, the other countless people know how it feels. Living your whole life in fear of death isn't even a life, countless people have died from hunger, do you know how it feels when your dad doesn't show up for days after promising he will bring you your favorite food? and you die without seeing him again. People out there know how it feels, you all blabber about the survival of the fittest, how are they supposed to survive in such an atmosphere, how are they supposed to get strong? Humans cannot suppress their feelings no matter what happens. I guarantee even a monster like you feels something. No matter how less the resources are, how much less there is to eat, we must divide it among ourselves, It is our planet, we humans were made superior to all beings. Killing won't benefit anyone after all the resources will finish someday, It is inevitable but the least we can do is be just a bit nicer to the people so that we can have something to smile about before we die." I explained.

King's smirk was gone, " I loved your mother and she loved me too but why did she leave me after I became the ruler? Where was her loyalty? And you say humans cannot suppress their feelings" King stated.

" It doesn't mean she didn't love you, it means she had someone whom she loved more than you and even herself, her child, I was the most important thing for her, she sacrificed everything for me, even herself and of course a woman like her won't agree with your pathetic ideology, you say you loved her, if you did you wouldn't have let her go"

"Father, there's still time, the central is manipulating you, you're just a mere pawn to them" I added.

The king seemed to be lost in his thoughts, meanwhile Luke and Emma stood behind me with their eyes set on me. King Steve got up and approached me, "Your mother ditched me, you can't change that fact besides I don't care if she's dead". 

'"And do you really think a person like me would actually follow someone? Heck, I wonder when will that old man die and I take over the central dragons." The king stated.

"How can you be so ignorant, father? Imagine yourself in place of other humans out there, would you have liked to live in constant fear of death? Bet this thought didn't even cross your mind. Killing is always wrong no matter what the circumstances are an- the king didn't let me finish,

 "SILENCE" he shouted. "I'm gonna give you one last chance, either join the dragons or get your head sliced off" he continued. I looked back at the due behind me.

"We will join the dragon" Luke came forward and announced. King's evil grin returned. It didn't go exactly as I planned.

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