Chapter 2

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My dad pulls into a drive way that is a half circle so you can enter one was and exit the other way. He stops the car and I jump out and walk up the marble grand staircase to an identical double doors. I open the door and was mesmerized. In the first room there was a fountain and a diamond chandelier. There are also two marble stair cases on the left and right that connect to a balcony that probably leads to the rooms and extra rooms. I take my bag I had with me on the plane and run upstairs to find my room.

After about 3 minutes, I find my room. I only found it because my dad painted my name on my white door. I walk in and fall in love. My room is mint green with a zig-zag pattern. Mint green, white, mint green, white, and so on. There is a double glass door along the wall opposite of my bedroom door that leads to my own balcony. My bed is a kind sized one along one of the sides with a flat screen right in front of it. On the opposite side of the room, I basically have a living room in my room. My floor is a white carpet. My bed matches my walls. I also have huge dressers and a big walk in closet with a no sides couch in the middle. I'm in love!

After staring at my room for 5-10 minutes, I decide to go outside and look at my view. Our house sits on the beach so my back yard is a beach. We even have our own private strip of beach. I walk outside and there is the beach. My room is to the back of the house. I love it! I have really nice cushioned chairs around a little table and a fire pit. I sit down in one and open snapchat. I take a picture of the beach.
Caption: My lifeee😍😍

"Hey neighbor!" I hear beside me. I look to the left and nobody is there. Hm.

"Look to your right!" The voice yells again. I smile knowing who it is and turn to the right.

"Hey neighbor!" I yell back at the flawless Cameron Dallas.

"Do you like the house?" He asks.

"Yes! It's amazing! It's soooo big!" I say. He smiles. I check the time. 4:15.

"Would you like me to show you around? Like, I can show you the high school, where the best places to take people out on dates are, and malls, and romantic spots, and so much more!" He says with a smile. I love how 2 out of the 4 spots are romantic and where people who are dating go. Maybe that's his hint that he might like me. Hm.

"Yeah sure. What time?" I ask.

"How about I come over around 4:30ish? Does that give you enough time princess?" He asks.

"Perfect." I say. He smiles and I smile back. I head inside and change into white shorts, with a light blue loose tank top. I slip on a pair on light blue Vans and walk down stairs.

"Hey mom! Is it okay if Cameron shows me around the city tonight? We will probably grab dinner sometime too." I say.

"Sure. Who is Cameron?" She asked.

"Remember James from the airport," I start. She nods. "That's Cameron. He was in disguise because if he wasn't then girls would be surrounding him all the time."

"Ohhh. Sure. He seems sweet. Have fun!" She says.

"Thanks mom! I'll be back around 9? I'll text you if it's going to be later!" I say.

"Okay sweetie! Have fun!" She says. I smile and walk around our down stairs and try to find everything. Living room? Check. Kitchen? Check. Dinning room? Cheek. Bathrooms? Check. Extra bedrooms? Check. I think I know where everything is now. I head back into the first room with the counting as the door bell rings. I answer it.

"Hey Bella!" Cameron says.

"Hey! Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yep! I drove over so we can head out! You'll enjoy this tour I promise!" He says.

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