Chapter:24: Hurricane in Human Form

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"So you children really think you are any match for a man with the power to Destroy Society" All For One taunted as he dodged All of Enji's attacks.
"Pathetic Enji Todoroki" All For One round housed kicked Enji away.
"Or am I?" Enji said as Toshinori jumped over his tumbling body. Delivering a devastating aerial Attack to All For One's vial jawline. The Villain slammed hard into the side of an office building. Toshinori held his phone behind his back as he binged his location hoping a pro hero would show up. "Requesting Back up are we?" All for one Said as he laughed .
"Damnit Toshinori he won't stay down!!!!" Enji said as he began to cry feeling the weight of the situation.
Toshinori brought his hand hard across Enji's face. "This is why we're heroes...If we fall...we all fall" Toshinori said as he took his muscular form as he did against Tanaka. His face was a distorted and twisted smile filled to the brim with hatred and malice. "Enji on my signal throw fire onto my hand"
"Are you stupid!!!???" Enji questioned as All for One stalked menacingly towards the two teenage heroes like a lion stalking it's prey.
Like a young gazelle Toshinori ran forward. He threw his head back as he signaled to Enji. Enji reluctantly jumped to Toshinori's aid and Smothered his fist with Fire. "Eat this Villain Scum!!!!!" Enji Shouted as Toshinori swung his flamed coated fist towards All For One's stomach. "CALIFORNIA SMASH!!!!!!!" Toshinori screamed as he laid his fist into The muscular lining of All For One's stomach. All for one coughed blood and staggered as the fire left a gaping hole in his clothing and the punch left a dent in his skin.
"Kids!" A Gruff and hardened voice spoke as Two pro heroes stepped out. "GRAN TORINO!!!, And who are you!?" Enji asked the younger looking hero.
"I'm The Pro Hero Centerfold!!" The man said proudly as All For One stood back up. His body beaten and bruised, his spirit unwavering and his goal unchanging.
The boys however are tired, Bleeding, and their world has shook to the very core.
"Centerfold take the Boys to the Police station for their own safety... I'll deal with this monster" Gran Torino said as he stepped forward his yellow boots sending ripples through a puddle. The ripples distorted the reflection of All For One and Gran Torino. Toshinori slumped on his knees catching his breath as Centerfold helped Enji stand. "Toshinori can you stand?" Centerfold asked helpfully lending a hand to the young hero.
"Yeah I'm fine" Toshinori struggled to stand as the adrenaline nulling his pain slowly left his system.
"C'mon let's get you guys out of here" Centerfold said as he threw out a small mirror unto the ground. "Alright boys are you ready?"
"How the hell are we going to get to the police station through that?" Enji asked as he felt mind numbing pain from his numerous wounds.
"Like this" Centerfold stepped into the mirror and the world flipped upside down before coming to a head again. "Ah here we are boys" Centerfold said leaving The two Teenagers in the hands of the police.
"So Gran Torino....I wasn't expecting you to show up after I killed Shimura Nana!"
"Shove it... your Psychological warfare won't work on me dumbass" Gran Torino said as he sped into the air zipping around like a speeding bullet.
"The old Doppelganger trick... sadly it won't work on me!" All for one swung and he hit nothing..Gran Torino delivered a swift kick to All For One's gut knocking him to his back.
"Gran Torino....I hope you know....I created All For was my brother's quirk and I modified it.... it's my property and I will take it back one day....No matter what amount of Successors I have to go through"
"Up your's ain't touching Toshinori Yagi and that's final" The two ran at each other the two hungry Predators preparing for a massive clash of both wills and fists.

Pro Hero Files:Toshinori Yagi:High School yearsWhere stories live. Discover now