Chapter:7: Dramatic Slow Motion

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Fukatsu sighed as he flaunted around his empty Bottle around. "Well that was good" Fukatsu smiled he turned to Toshinori who was still sipping away at his liquid ambrosia. "Oi You two" two rough looking thugs approached the two. "What do you degenerates want?" The thugs both with mutant quirks brandished knives. "Your wallets hand em over" Fukatsu took a deep breath holding it as everything became slow around him. "W..H...A...T...T..H..E...H...E...L...L" Fukatsu Glared kneeing both thugs in their stomachs before giving them both strong right hooks to their faces. Fukatsu let his breath go and everything went back to normal...the thugs however were writhing on the ground in pain. "You used your qurik, we're gonna get in trouble Fukatsu" Toshinori said fearing the Reprimandings to come. "I had no choice they pulled knives on us" Fukatsu stepped over the thugs's unconscious bodies as him and Toshinori continued their stroll. Fukatsu Sho:Age:15:Quirk: Dramatic Slow Motion "sorry if I get you in trouble for my impetuous choice" Fukatsu said his demeanor going back to the normal. "It's okay we'll just have to tell em that it was for self-defense" "heh yeah" Fukatsu smiled and he noticed the orphanage across the street. "Later buddy see ya next week" "ok see ya" Toshinori strolled down the street with a new Found Confidence that presided over him in a ominous golden aura. "Toshi!!!" Nana Shimura smiled peeling away from a street corner. "How was your evening out on the town with Fukatsu" Toshinori slurped up the rest of his soda "fun" Nana smiled her cheeks Streching "and did you tell Fukatsu thank you" Toshinori nodded "good I'm glad that you finally found a person you can be friends with" Toshinori nodded and Nana placed a guiding palm against his back. "C'mon let's get you home we have Training tommorow"
To be Continued

Pro Hero Files:Toshinori Yagi:High School yearsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن