Chapter:19:We are different

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Shigure stood up as Tanaka lay on the ground in a pool of Crimson. "So you killed him?" The jester of the league of Villains Død said as he stepped out from a Street lamp. "I did what I had to do...if it wasn't him then it would have been my boys he killed"
"You're just like me!" Død exclaimed "a pitiful man who justifies his murder.
"We are nothing alike"
"Did you or did you not just kill Tanaka"
"I did"
"And did you not just state a reason for the killing?"
"I did...what does this idle chatter prove"
"It proves the hypocrisy in the see if I were to kill a man right now... I'm treated as a monster" he stopped to draw breath. "But when a hero murders one of my friends they are branded the Messiahs of our era"
"I Don't think you understand...You Villains get off on murdering"
"Do you know who my first murder's a simple Story actually...he had been molesting my sister and I walked in while he was upon her and then everything went black...but the one thing I remember from him...was this...Never look away from your look dead in the eyes...and you never ever forget them"
"I didn't need to hear your origin"
"Oh I wasn't done yet...Number 2 Pro hero Afterburner" Død said Rollin his eyes. "When the news caught the scent of blood I was framed as a psycho who couldn't function in society...I was sent to live in a shitty orphanage...what they don't know is it was self defense the pig threw the first punch or knife swing in the case" a wave of dread washed upon Shigure as he began to doubt the society that raised him. "Do you understand Why...why we Fight to over turn this horrid society" Død chuckled. "I wish to create a world built by the strong where all people can get along and live in harmony" Død said as he flaunted his arms around pushing his wild dark hair out of his face. "Where smiles are endless and war doesn't exist"
"Your Utopia can't exist... People with the power to create a world like that are always going to build in there favor"
"No no no no my friend....when a man is in power it's just that his rules...but when I create my world it'll be our rules for the people carried on the shoulders of the strongest of us"
"You're a lunatic"
"Oh no Shigure... I'm perfectly sane"

Pro Hero Files:Toshinori Yagi:High School yearsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin