Chapter 5: The Sports Festival

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Everyone gathered in a large stadium, Toshinori was determined to win and show the everyone who he is he had already won the Chavery battle and now it was down to the one on one fights. Toshinori had already won his first one on one fight and was prepared for the next one. Toshinori had been Training for several months in preparation for the Sports Festival. Toshinori stepped onto the solid gray platform ready for his fight, the only problem was that Enji was also prepared for the forthcoming fight as he stepped onto the platform. "So Yagi you ready to get your ass kicked" Enji said taunting Toshinori as he circled him, "That's where you're wrong Enji I won't lose" In a split second Toshinori shot forward racing after Enji he clenched his fist and Muscles on his right side expanding to twice there size, Enji Braced himself for the coming punch, "DETROIT SMASH!!!!!!" Toshinori belted out as he struck his rival hard in the stomach, Enji was thrown from his feet and he tumbled on the ground a few paces. Enji stood up more pissed off than hurt. "Alright, you had you lucky hit" Enji surrounded himself in flame "hey Yagi have you ever seen a fire like this before" Toshinori Stood his ground he put up his fists in preparation for the inferno. "TAKE THIS YAGI" Enji throws his fist forward launching a ball of fire straight for Toshinori, Toshinori Guards himself from the fire. "DETROIT SMASH!!!!!!" Toshinori Punches and a Massive blast of wind blows away the massive fire, The heat blasting by Enji, Burning his sleeves. Toshinori Recoiled and he glared at Enji "I told you Enji I'm not gonna lose not to you at least" Toshinori Ran forward Clenching Both fists "EAT THIS!!!!" Toshinori Slammed Both of his fists into Enji's chest launching him backward and out of the ring. "AND THE WINNER OF THAT ACTION PACKED BOUT IS TOSHINORI YAGI!!!!!!" The Crowd cheers and Shimura Nana Is brought to tears by the stunning growth of her beloved pupil. Toshinori Throws his hands up in Victory.

(Shorter Chapter Yeah I know But I wanted to Give Guys something Anyway hope you Enjoyed)

Pro Hero Files:Toshinori Yagi:High School yearsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora