Chapter:17:A Tale of Wrath

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Shigure stumbled backwards. Tears rolled ever so slightly down his face as his mouth lay agape. "N-No You're Lying Buta Can't Be Dead!" Shigure said falling to the ground crying. "First Shimura now Buta" Shigure sobbed Ripping his shirt open. "IT SHOULD BE ME!!!!!!!!!" Shigure dried his tears and stood up. "Buta wouldn't want to see me mourn like this" the Hero sitting next To Shigure Stood up. "Hold On Shigure-San What If it's all apart of their plan" "Kappa!" Shigure headbutted the younger man. "I don't care I will avenge my best friend" Shigure sobbed grabbing his Hero Suit and opening the front door. "Kappa...If I die Do Not Tell My Boys!" Shigure said before leaving. Kappa the Turtle Hero sat In Shigure's Living room as Toshinori and Fukatsu slept soundly. "How Can I be such a coward?" Kappa said as tears pitter pattered against his thighs. "I'm sorry Shigure If I can't keep my promise"
Shigure's Rage, Hatred and Bloodlust all accumulate turning his skin Crimson red. "So The Great Afterburner Finally Decides to show up" A Younger Man Said Stepping out of the shadows. "Out of my way!" Shigure said his eyes Shadowed by hatred and rage. "At least let me introduce myself first" The man had dark chocolate brown hair and deep emerald eyes. His muscles writhed and jostled as he spoke. His face was scarred and broken. "Name's Jinzo but you can call me død". Shigure backhanded the man. "I told you to move" Jinzo slid against the ground holding his cheek while laughing. "Oh yes more...hurt me more Shigure Harusame" Jinzo's laughter turned vial. "Do you want to know what my Quirk is?" Jinzo asked his voice wild and toxic. "I shall tell you my quirk is called Equivalent Exchange...for every Attack you deal to me...I return to you" Jinzo glared and Shigure slid against the ground. "No way?!....Who are you?" Shigure said standing up. "I'm meerly a New Recruit for the leauge of Villains" Jinzo said before walking away. "Nomu.. Now!" A large humanoid stepped out of the shadows. "Here's your new playmate" Jinzo said walking down a dark alleyway. Shigure readied his fists. "I WILL DEFEAT YOU AND CLAIM VENGEANCE FOR BUTA!!!!!!!"
To Be Continued

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