Road to Recovery

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Chapter 2

The rest of the day the ninja switched off watching the two injured ninja. Nya was reluctant to leave her shift but after convincing her to take a shower and eat something she sluggishly left the room.

Around dinner time Jay woke up again and Cole gave him a piggy back ride to the dining room. Jay asked to eat there because he felt like he was restricted to his bed. Nya ate her dinner in the medical room to accompany Kai. She brought an extra plate of food just incase Kai woke up. It went to waste.

Jay sat at the table with Lloyd, Zane, and Cole. He ate some leftover pasta from lunch and the others nibbled at their own plate of leftovers.

"I remember something from the mission. I-I think.." Jay said suddenly and nervously at that. Zane set down his fork and smiled to show he was listening. "Was there an explosion? I remember there was laughing too... i-it was freaky."

"Yes. There was an explosion. I'm glad you are beginning to remember, Jay." Zane continued to smile. "Can you recall the villain we fought?"

Jay took a moment to organize his thoughts and looked down at his plate. "Hmmm... someone we don't normally have to worry about."

Zane nodded, "Good. Perhaps if I showed you a series of mugshots would you be able to point out the villain?"

Jay shrugged and ate the last bite of his pasta. "Worth a shot."

After the ninja finished their food and cleaned up, Zane brought in a folder of mugshots. Zane laid out only 10 of the mugshots on the table and the names were covered.

"I have the names blocked because I want to see if you remember. One of those mugshots is the person we fought." Zane explained and sat at the table with the others.

Jay took a moment to scan all of the mugshots but when coming across one of them his eyes lingered longer. Eventually he kept staring at the mugshot waiting for it to spark a memory. And it did.

"The mechanic... he was the laughing I heard. We fought him. I...I still don't remember the fight but.. the mechanic.. I'm sure it was him." Jay said all while staring at the mugshot as it was a remind of what happened to him.

"Very good Jay! You are correct! I'm glad you were able to figure that out. I must admit I was a bit skeptical to the idea because of how fast you are remembering the mission. I thought that recovering your memory would prove to be difficult but you are really surprising me Jay." Zane explained while collecting the mugshots. "Maybe your process to recovery would be faster than I anticipated."

Zane put all the mugshots in its folder and smiled to Jay. He smiled back a little embarrassed. Jay really liked the things Zane said to him but he didn't feel like he was remembering. He felt like he was guessing what happened instead of actually remembering.

"Zane how do I know if I'm actually remembering? That test was hard to be honest. I had a gut feeling it was the mechanic but nothing more." Jay said training his eyes on the table. He would rather look at the table instead of Zane. Lloyd and Cole look to each other with sad eyes. They felt bad for Jay but they had to stay positive and kept encouraging him.

"You said that you were sure it was him. Your gut feeling is more important than you think Jay. Trust your instincts. We are not pressuring you to remember. We want you to remember at your own pace." Zane reassured. Jay nodded understanding and slowly went to stand.

Standing was a mistake because Jay was still experiencing dizziness. Jay tried to block out the world as it started to spin and turn to a blur. Jay started to sway and tip over. Cole quickly move to catch Jay as he started to fall over.

"I got you buddy. You still have a concussion so you can't try walking on your own." Cole reminded Jay and move him in his arms to carry him bridal style. Jay kept his eyes closed and felt the world warping around him. Eventually Jay passed out in Cole's arms from being overwhelmed and tired. "Jay?"

He got no response and Jay remain motionless in Cole's arms. Zane came around from the other side of the table and quickly scanned Jay. Lloyd came to stand next to Cole, concerned for his friend.

Zane sighed in relief after going through Jay's stats. "He's alright. He just passed out from being dizzy and tired. It's best to let him rest."

They all relaxed now knowing Jay was okay. Cole lead the way back to the infirmary where Jay and Kai stayed for the time being.

"Did you guys notice Jay wasn't slurring his words? He might already be getting better!" Cole exclaimed and stopped in front of the closed infirmary door.

"He is getting better but the road to recovery is a long one. We have to have patience with Jay. He will only get better if he trusts himself." Zane explained with a smile. He stepped forward to open the door for Cole.

When the door opened they noticed Nya's frantic manner. Lloyd and Zane stopped in the doorway confused while Cole continued into the room to put Jay in his bed.

Nya turned to them, "Guys! I think Kai is waking up! I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to leave his side to get you all!" Nya said panicked. She sat down on the stool next to Kai's bed and watched as Kai twitched in his sleep.

Zane moved to the bed side and scanned Kai. "Your observation is correct. Kai is waking up."

Cole and Lloyd joined the others to hover around the bed. Kai's eyes were moving underneath his eye lids and his hands were twitching.

Suddenly Kai's eyes opened and he stared up to the ceiling. He blinked a few times and looked to be processing where he was and what happened last.

His eyes met with the people around the bed and they widened in fear. Kai screamed in fright and sat up and shuffled away from them. He held the blanket up to his chest as if he could protect himself.

Jay woke up from the screaming and turned his head to the commotion.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" Lloyd asked and reached forward to Kai. He flinched away and Lloyd pulled away to avoid scaring him. Everyone was confused and concerned for their scared friend. Kai looked at each one of them and he resembled a deer in headlights.

Kai's lip quivered, "Who are you people?"


Hello! I know it has been awhile, I didn't really have an update schedule for this story. My life has been chaotic recently. I'm in marching band and it's competition season so 6 of 7 days of the week I am busy. I was invited to the White House to play piano so I have to practice 4 hours a day till the trip. On top of all of that, I am a senior in high school so I have to make sure to pass my classes to graduate. So sorry to make excusses but somethings have more priority in my life but I will definitely try my best to continue to update. Thank you for still sticking around.

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