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let's just skip Mark dropping Jack's stuff off cause I have a plannnn

Jack opened the door to his new room, sighing in relief of classes being over. He looked up and saw a familiar face sitting on his bed, a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and his fox in the other.

"Mark..." Jack breathed out, trying his hardest not to cry. Although the pastel may have been hardcore a few hours ago, he didn't expect to see his former lover sitting on his bed in his room.

"I know I'm an idiot," he started, standing up and walking towards Jack. "I know I hurt you. I know what I did was wrong. But please, let me explain myself." He handed Jack the fox, and the boy slowly took it. He looked down an examined it, looking for any sources of damage Mark might've done to it out of anger.

"What's there to explain?" Jack asked softly, playing with the foxes tail. "You had sex with another person... you cheated on me out of... out of what?" Mark bit his lip and looked away, ashamed of himself.

"Anger and sadness... Jack, that... that girl and I were together since highschool. She broke up with me because of... because I was stupid and took pictures of her naked and sent them to my friends.

I guess I missed her... but I took it the wrong way. She tried to stop me and I didn't listen. I should've."

Jack's heart broke, and he began to cry silently for the tenth time that day. "You really hurt me Mark," he cracked, leaning foward and resting his head on the punk's chest. "I don't understand why I can't get over someone as fucking disgusting and, and, and dick-ish like you."

"I deserved that," Mark laughed softly, wrapping his hands around Jack's waist and carrying him to the bed. "Is there any way I can... gain your trust back or..."

Jack thought for a moment. He didn't think he would ever be able to forgive Mark, and he stuck with that thought.

"No Mark, I'm sticking to my gut. We're... we're done. I can't trust you. Thank you for bringing me my stuff back and a few extras but... you need to leave now."

Jack started to pull Mark out of his dorm room. He opened the door, and shoved Mark out of it. "It was fun while it lasted," were the last words Jack would ever say to Mark in a long time. Those words would haunt Mark for years to come, no matter how hard he tried to forget them.

The door shut on Mark, which cut any sort of connection between him and Jack ever again. They wouldn't speak to eachother, call eachother, message eachother, or even look in one's direction. It's as if they were just random strangers to eachother, not talking about that time they went through the flower fields or having sex.

Jack hated Mark.

Mark loved Jack.

That's how it was going to be, the end for them.

A secret relationship covered by girly moans as told by three men.

A relationship covered by flowers and tattoos.

A relationship that both of them knew probably wouldn't last.

Years passed by, and the males grew up. Mark became a professional engineer, and Jack a botanist. Mark got married to a beautiful red haired girl and had two children; a boy and a girl. Jack on the other hand jumped from guy to guy, not finding any spark he had with Mark in any of them.

Then one day, out of the blue, Mark showed up to Jack's work to build a watering machine for his plants. It's not like it was planned or anything, but seeing Mark's name on that list of engineers near Jack made his heart race, and he knew it was fate. Okay, so maybe it was planned.

"Oh, Jack," Mark said awkwardly, tapping his fingers on the back of the clipboard. "I see you're uh... a botanist now."

Jack nodded, and ran his thumb across a leaf to try and distract himself from the blistering tension. "You never grew out of your punk phase."

Mark breathed out and smiled, looking down at himself then back at Jack. "I guess good things never change, right?" Jack nodded his head slightly, and pursed his lips together. "Oh uh," Mark said quickly, handing the clipboard to Jack. "I need you to sign this."

"Oh okay," Jack said, taking the board. Their fingers brushed against eachothers, and Jack's heart quickened. Even if it's been years, this guy could still give him butterflies. And yet, he was the one to break things off... strange.

Jack signed the papers quickly, and handed it back to Mark. "When will you be able to start?" Jack asked, pivoting on his feet.

"Well whenever we--" Mark saw the note Jack had left him, and he read it over.



"Jack," Mark said softly, taking the note off and handing it back to the shorter of the two. "You left me five years ago. I moved on, and now it's your turn. I'm done cheating."

Mark turned and walked away, Jack's heart ripping into a million pieces. He was right, Jack did need to move on, even if he didn't want to. It was hard to move on, especially when the people you're seeing doesn't spark something like Mark.

"I love you Mark Fischbach," Jack said mostly to himself, picking a purple rose and daintily putting it in his hair.

The End (for real this time)


Hey I think this was a pretty good end to this book. Was it happy? No, not really, but not all books have happy endings. Am I proud of it and this book? Hell fucking yes.

I want to thank you all for being so supportive throughout this book. I can only hope it grows from here. If you did like it, maybe you could share with others so I can bring joy to them too? I mean, I'm not forcing you, but it is appreciated.

I had struggles writing this book especially since I'm really lazy and I don't update when I want to. The chapters don't turn out how I want them to sometimes, but I still publish it anyways because I need something to go out. I alsp didn't pay attention to detail. Like one time when I was writing the chapter where Mark cheats on Jack, I specifically remeber writing "And breasts of melons, but Mark wasn't interested in those," and then later on I wrote "Mark loved boobs, who didnt?" or something like that. Either way. It didnt do good lol.  

This book took off, seriously. I didn't know it would make it to 1.17K reads, 87 votes, and 50 comments. That may not seem like a lot, but it does to me. Thank you all for your love and support. I truly do appreciate each and every one of you.

Q n A will constantly be updated with each and every new question.

This book has come to an end. Thank you for reading.

~Cass <3

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