Chap 13. Trouble in paradise.

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[A/N] Hey lovelies!! I’m so sorry about the stupid mistakes about Back To Now and One Direction. Really am deeply sorry! Its still Back To Now but sometimes I just write and kind of forget it.

Hoop you like it BTW! <3

Dedicated to Mrs_direction57 bc she is just toooooo sweet!! Love u! Xx


The next morning I’m woken by Harry. “Wake up love, there is someone that wants to speak with you” and he softly kisses my mouth. I smile and nod. “Good morning Hazz” I laugh. I slowly get up and put some sweats on and a t-shirt. Then I walk softly past Meg her room and stumble of the stairs. “Hello Niall” I hear the voice I never wanted to hear again. My head starts to spin. I try to hold on to something but I can’t find something. I gasp for air. No this can’t be! “J-j-josh” I breath out. “Yes” He answers. “W-what are you doing here?” I  ask. “Wanted to see you” he simply states. “Go away” I breath out. “Don’t be mean Niall” He grins his evil grin. “DADDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” Meg screams. My opportunity  to get away. I run upstairs and walk into her room. “BAD DREAM” She cries. “Aww baby! Come here” and scoop her up in my arms. “My poor little princes” I shush her. We walk downstairs together. I hear Harry and Josh laugh together. I do my best not to puke. I start to tremble a bit. I sit down in the love seat with Meg on my lab. “Dada?” Meg asks. I see Josh his head shot up in confusion. “Yes my princess?” I answer. “Who that?” Meg points at Josh. “I’m Josh” He mumbles. “Jos” She said. I never wanted to hear that name out of her mouth! “I think you have to leave” I say. Harry looks at me confused. “We have loads of stuff to do” I say. “Ah I see, well I‘ll see you again” He smiles. I shudder. When Josh left Harry turns to me. “What was that for Niall, really?” He snaps and walks out of the door. My mouth drops. Then Lesly bursts into the house. “LOOK WHOS BACK” She yells. “LES!” I yell and wrapped her in a one armed hug. “Hey my little Meg!” She cheers. “Lesy!” Meg shouts. Lauren walks into the room and she greets Lesly. Lauren takes Meg to the shop to get some food. “How are you doing Ni? I saw Harry walk away angry” Then I spill everything. Lesly already knew about Josh. “JOSH WAS HEAR?” She screams. I nod trying to hold my tears. “Oh my god” she whispers and wraps me in a hug. “I can’t do this Les, I can’t!” I cry. “ I know Ni” she cries with me.  We hold each other and cried. “A-and n-now H-h-harry i-is angry with m-me” I sob. “Ow love, it I’ll be alright, you know what we are going to do?” “W-what?” I ask. “Sing!” she cheers. “It always cheers you up!” I smile lightly. “And I know exactly what song” “Witch on?” “Return To Me” “Remember we used to sing it? And now you have another meaning behind the song!” I smile knowing what she is talking about. My mom. “Well come on!” and she starts the music.

Walking my childhood shore

I miss you so

Mama my music's yours


I cry 'till the water's blue

Where whales can sing

Remember we sang it too

I close my eyes and you


Return to me

Return to me

On waves of ocean melody

No magic can make you reappear

But in the song of the whales

You are always here


Mama you'd be so proud

The way I shine

Wish that you could see me now

Oh, great creatures of the sea

Please hold her voice

For all of eternity

And like a siren's lullaby

I know you always will

Return to me

Return to me

On waves of ocean melody

No magic can make you reappear

But in the song of the whales

You are always here

Ah ah ah ah


Return to me

Return to me

On waves of ocean melody

No magic can make you reappear

But in the song of the whales

You are always here


In the song of the whales you are always here


“Niall you’re soooooo good!!!!” Lesly laughs.

Then a text comes in.

From: My Haz

M out with Josh and Taylor.

That was a stab trough my heart. I let Lesly read it and she scowls. “I wished I’d never see him again and now he’s going out with your boyfriend and pretend girlfriend!” She shouts. I sign. “I think I deserved it” “NO YOU DON’T!” She shouts and hugs me. Then there is a knock on the door. Lesly stands up and walks to the door. “Is Niall in?” I hear Liam Payne his voice. “Yeah u-uh he’s i-in the living r-room” Lesly stutters. “Hey Liam”  I greet him. This is soo weird! I’m calling him Liam, just Liam! AHHH Fangirl errrr Fanboy moment!! “Hey Niall, I’m sorry for Harry his behaviour, I think he is just stressed out” Liam said. “Eh Okay, Thanks Liam. Want something to drink?” I ask. “Yeah, that would be nice” He smiles. When I got the drinks I sat down next to a shocked Liam. “What’s up?” I ask. “Nothing” Liam said and turned to Lesly. Weird. I just shudder it off and laugh with Liam and Lesly.

“So then I slipped and tackled Louis with me, He just kinda sat there and stood up and then he emptied his water bottle on me” Liam laughs. Lesly and I are on the ground at that point. “And the others just stood there” He fake pouts. “Aww poor you” Lesly jokes. “But why were you so shocked when I came in Liam.” I asked. Linking to the moment I came in with the drinks. Lesly her impression turns serious. “I told Liam about Josh, and the things you told me you did” I couldn’t say anything. I just gulped for air.  “Also about the cutting” Liam said. I felt so numb. Why would she do that.  “Did Harry ever asked about them? Liam knows about Harry being gay and that you’re dating.” Lesly asked. I shook my head. “I guess he didn’t saw them” I say. “but you guys did it, right?” At that point I’m blushing. I slowly nod. “Then why wouldn’t he have seen them?” “Well I guess he was to buzzy.” I yell. “TO BUZZY TO SEE SCARS ON THE TIGHTS OF HIS BOYFRIEND?” She yells. Then we hear a gasp. And my head shots towards the door. Harry.

[A/N] Thanks for reading!! Please vote and comment! Xxxx 

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