Chapp 11. What to do?

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[A/N] Hello lovelys!! No I’m not dead! Just busy and a terrible writers block! But here is the new chap! Hope you like it!! Xx

He loves me. Jeez he loves me. I love him to but can I handle it? I mean Harry and Taylor. I looked at the picture of Harry and Taylor. It felt like someone stabbed a knife in my heart. “Niall…… please talk to me!” Harry asked desperately. “Harry I love you to but I don’t know if I can handle it seeing you and Taylor” I say. “Please Niall, let me and Taylor come over and talk about it”. The way he said Taylor and me made me sick. “Yeah okay” I answer. “OKAY SEE YOU IN 10 MINUTES!” WHAA?? “HUH?” “BYE NIALL LOVE YOU” And he hung. WHAT THE HELL? Okay I better get ready. I walked to my closet and change in some cool clothes. I walked to Lauren her room and tried to wake her. When I told her who were coming she got dressed as well

10 minutes later the doorbell rang. Lauren opened the door and I heard Harry and Taylor. Jeez I’m going to meet Taylor Swift. But I’m not happy with it. “NIALL!” Harry shouted and ran up to me so he could hug me but I stopped him. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. “Hey” I whisper with my head down. “Niall, please look at me” he whispers. I slowly lift my head to look at him. Then someone else burst in to my house. Well make that 3 someone elses. Liam, Louis and Zayn stood there. My mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ shape. Whole One Direction was in my living room. Plus Taylor Swift of course. I don’t like so many people in one room. The all closed up to my. PANICK ATTACK! I started to breath very fast. I needed to get away from there! “DADDY!!!” I heard Meg cry. SAVED BY MY BELOVED DAUGHTER! I turned around and rushed to Meg who was standing on the staircase. “Hey princes, what’s going on?” And I picked her up. She sobbed in my neck. “To many people!” She cried. “Shuusshhh princes” I tried to calm her down. I slowly walked downstairs with her. I felt  5 pairs of strange eyes burning on us. Meg hid her face in the crook of my neck. Lauren looked pissed. We sat down next to her. Harry, Taylor, Liam, Louis and Zayn sat down also. Meg sobbed silently. “D-d-daddy?” she asked. “Yes my dear” “Why there so much people?” She asked. “Harry and Daddy needed to talk and his friend came along, shushhhsss I don’t like it either” I say. Harry sat next to Taylor. She grabbed his hand but he refused. My heart jumped. Harry stood up and walked to me. He saw that Meg and I were shaking. He sat down next to us and took us in his arms. “Shhhh” he said to us. “Niall, your mine you understand that? He whispered. I wanted to answer but Meg struggled to get out of our grip. She stood up and walked towards Harry. “NO! Daddy is mine!” She said while crossing her little arms. Everyone laughed and that scared my little girl. She ran back to us and snuggled between us. “Okay daddy is form both, but more mine” she said. I laughed. She looked at me with her big blue eyes. “I think we have to go” Louis announced. We all said our byes and Lau let them out. Well that was weird. They hadn’t talked at all. But okay. Lauren walked toward us. “Shall I bring you to bed Meg?” She asked. Meg nodded. I kissed her goodnight and Lau took her upstairs. I sat on the other side of the couch. We didn’t look at each other.  Out of nowhere Harry scooped me up and set me down on his lap. “I love you, love you, love you, love you!” He whispered. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck. “I love you to but please you need to help me with this now! I can’t stand it!” I said. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. “Niall, love I will help you and I don’t I repeat don’t like Taylor at all! I need to pretend because of my image though I don’t like my image at all!” He said. I sniffled. “Oh my love please don’t cry!” he said while he hugged me tighter. “I try” I said. “I’m not  the lady killer I have to pretend to be and as soon they let me and Taylor break-up I’ll ask if I can come out so we can be together.” I looked at him and he wiped away my tears. I slammed my lips on his. A little ‘mpffh’ escaped Harry his lips. He trailed his tongue over my bottom lip. I gladly accepted his request. When our tongue battled for dominance Harry squeezed my butt. I let out a little moan. Harry stood up tanking me with him. He carried me to my bedroom. We got rid of our clothes and we laid down in bed. I snuggled up to Harry his bare chest. He kissed the top of my head.  “Your mine Niall” He whispered. I giggled. “Awww cute!” he cooed. “ Only yours, and your only mine” I smiled. He kissed my head again. I let out a yawn. “Go to sleep love, I’ll be here in the morning” He whispered. We shared a soft kiss full of passion and love. “Goodnight love” Harry said. “Goodnight my Hazza” and I drifted off to sleep in the arms of my Harry.

[A/N] Hope you guys enjoyed this chap!! I’ll try to post more and sooner but school is killing me! Xx

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