Chapter Twelve

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Sedgewick let out a long-suffering sigh as he waited behind the procession of lords and ladies about to enter the council chamber. Beryn gave him a brief nod before taking his place near the front since Kingsford was one of the most important territories. Sedgewick pulled his hat down over the remains of his bruise as Lord Faren of Endingwood struck him with a cold glare instead of a fist. The hulking man took his place at the very back of the lords and Sedgewick bit down a snicker. His son slept beside the queen and the man still couldn't move up in line. Perhaps next generation.

Sedgewick scanned the hall again, taking in the moves and countermoves already in motion. Soon he would be wrapped up in them too, but for now, he could pretend he was once again a young man, a foreigner, removed the games being played.

"Does it ever get old?" a man asked behind him. "The anticipation?"

Sedgewick pushed his hat up slightly as he turned. The man smiled, the whites of his teeth matching his healer's garb. A red cloth belt fell just above his knees where his tunic ended. His orange-red hair was tied back neatly and landed just past his shoulders.

"Eventually," Sedgewick answered simply. A smile curled at the edges of his lips as bits of the past echoed through his head. Remnants of the heady rush he'd felt during his early years before he'd founded the Magic Ministry, back when Sedgewick was just a court mage, bubbled at the edge of his consciousness. The idea that being here meant he had power, he had a purpose, was almost more than his younger self could take. "But there are certain times when it sticks."

Of course, the shine wore off after he'd realize how irritating interacting with the lords was, and had faded almost entirely after he— after the kingdom lost the young Queen Eleyna's grandmother, Alena.

The healer stuck out his hand. "Daydrel Elyssgrow. Heard of me?"

Sedgewick sighed inwardly. This is what he got for engaging. "No."

"Well, if I can make my presentation work, that will change." The man let them drop into silence for a moment, only to cruelly crush Sedgewick's solitude once again. "You're the Minister of Magic, aren't you?"

"The hat tends to give it away," Sedgewick clipped.

"Anything I should know before going in?"

Smart people leave me alone, he thought. But only thought. He was trying not to say things like that out loud. Feyla had praised his progress the other day. With kisses, Sedgewick recalled before forcing the heat rising in his cheeks back down. Their...fight? Confrontation? Made it slightly easier than normal. "Push your points. They like to talk over you," he said. There. Now the man could stop.

"Thanks," Elyssgrow answered just as the doors opened, allowing the council members, Sedgewick, and the other retainers in. "I appreciate that. Especially since I'm planning on stealing your funding."

Sedgewick's eyebrows shot above his glasses. Then the steward pushed him into the council room and promptly closed the door.

The healer smiled.

The healer smiled

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