A voice inside me couldn't resist saying for now. I shook my head, closing my eyes once again and looking down, silently laughing.

"I can't do it anymore. I give up." He announced, surprising Temari, and the whole crowd. And the booing began again as he explained why he couldn't continue.

"Who knew." The Hokage praised.

"I did." I gloated. The Hokage laughed, and nodded. Of course I knew. I looked over to the other genin in the waiting part of the arena, and saw Naruto about to jump over to Shikamaru. I sighed.

"I'll be right back, Hokage." He nodded, seeing what I was going to do. Naruto jumped, and I quickly jumped in too and caught him, holding onto the wall near Shikamaru.

"What do you think you're doing, Naruto. Your match is over." I scolded him. He looked at me surprised.

"Kuraun? You're an ANBU?" I nodded.

"That's great! See, Shikamaru! Kuraun became an ANBU because she doesn't give up as easily as-" I slammed my hand over his mouth hissed.

"Shut your little mouth, Naruto. I've got a problem with you announcing me to the world, alright?" I told him. He squirmed in my grip, but I didn't let go.

"Oh, Naruto." Shikamaru noticed. He looked at Naruto then myself and smirked.

"I guess the girl beat you too it." I scoffed.

"You idiot, Shikamaru! I can't believe you'd give up..." I tuned him out, waiting until I saw Shikamaru speak. It was the longest ten seconds of my life.

"There's another match, remember Naruto?" He reassured. That shut Naruto up. I looked over to the Hokage, who was talking to the messenger Jonin. Damn. Ten more minutes.

"Genma. The Hokage wants to wait ten more minutes." I yelled at him. He looked at me confused.

"How do you know that?" He asked.

"What don't I know?" Just then, the messenger appeared next to Genma.

"I know, ten more minutes." Genma interrupted him. The guy looked confused.

"How did you know?" He asked. Genma pointed at me.

"A-alright then." He said, disappearing. I dropped Naruto, and jumped off the wall. 

"Nice job, Shikamaru. Congratulations. I said, walking over to him as Naruto got up.

"Congratulations? I didn't even win." I chuckled.

"I know. But that was some chunin battling there." I hinted. He raised his eyebrows, then slouched and groaned.

"What a drag." He said. I laughed, and looked at Naruto.

"So, you excited to see Sasuke?" I asked, nervous on the inside. I knew he was going to appear. I just wish that I could shorten the time limit to maybe five minutes...or even nine....

"Yeah! Sasuke will definitely win!" Naruto cheered. He looked up at the sky, the smile on his face fading.

"He better show up." I nodded, my heart beating faster. It had been already about five minutes. They were going to be here soon.

"You two should get out of the arena. Temari already has." I commented. Shikamaru groaned, and Naruto frowned.

"Not until Sasuke arrives!" He encouraged. I sighed.

"Your enthusiasm is such a drag, Naruto." I mocked. Shikamaru looked at me questioningly, and I shrugged. All around me I kept hearing boos and complaints and cheering for Sasuke or Gaara. I scowled at the whole crowd. Shikamaru put a hand on my shoulder.

"Let them be. They only came here to 'enjoy the show.'" He reasoned. I sighed and averted my eyes, only to be slightly surprised by a huge gust of wind and a shit ton of leaves. Naruto and Shikamaru were starstruck as Genma was cut off by the two late ninja. I sighed walking over to them after the light aura faded from view.

"You idiots! You shouldn't have shown up!" I whisper/yelled. They both looked at me confused.

"Why is that?" Kakashi asked. I glanced at Sasuke, and he had a determined look on his face. Good. Much different than from when I last saw him. I looked back at Kakashi, a stern look in my eye.

"Gaara is far more dangerous than you think. You two are going to cause a chain reaction. I hope you two are happy!" I spat, taking out my anger with myself on the two fashionably late jerks.

"Oh, and Sasuke! Word of advice, cut that hair of yours!" I yelled as I pulled Naruto and Shikamaru away, and Genma summoned Gaara.

"Kuraun, why did you come down here in the first place?" Naruto asked me. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"To make sure you didn't do anything stupid." I told him as we reached the base of the stairs. He was pouting all the way up, that is, until the three of us saw them.


 A/N: Hey guys! Another chapter yaaay! I hope you liked this one, and I skimmed it over instead of properly editing it, so there might be a couple mistakes here and there, I'm trying to get all meh stories updated!!! Yaaay!

Remember to vote and share and t-rexes will live once more as our pets and we will be able to ride them into the sunset as they devour our enemies!


I really hope you enjoyed, and thank you so much for reading, as always.

I'll see you later with another chapter!!!

~Stephanie ;)

We're Stuck Here So Lets Have Some "Fun" ~Completed~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin