Chapter Five

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(A/N): Thank you all for the positive feedback from the previous Chapters! I hope you all enjoy reading this fanfiction as much as I enjoy writing it! :D


Third Person's Point of View


As (Y/N) reached the Quidditch field, loud shouts immediately rang through the air. Hastening toward the sound, (Y/N) could see a small crowd of students gathered in the center of the field. He knew he was suppose to meet Aurelia and Hermione, but his curiosity got the better of him.

"Excuse me- pardon-"

When (Y/N) finally struggled through the mass of students, he spotted a boy sprawled on the ground, with his robes torn to shreds and a wand next to the body. As he got a little closer, (Y/N) could identify a mop of messy black hair and a pair of round glasses sitting crookedly on the owner's nose. Scorch marks were all across the face, but (Y/N) immediately recognized the boy.

"Harry Potter." (Y/N) breathed, hurrying to the injured Gryffindor. (Y/N) checked for the younger wizard's pulse and his breathing, then stood back up, facing the many students that were murmuring among themselves. Raising his voice to be heard, (Y/N) said, "Do any of you know what happened to him?"

The talking quickly ceased, and he received shakes of heads in response.

Then, a hand rose into the air. "I was looking for Madam Hooch this morning, to ask her about next year's Quidditch events." The speaker had amiable tone. Ah, Cedric Diggory, (Y/N) thought with amusement, studying the Hufflepuff's face. Cedric stared back at him, also wearing the same humorous expression. (Y/N) fought the urge to smile at the older wizard, for they both know each other quite well as the two of them are prefects and Quidditch captains of their own houses.

"When I was about to go back into the castle, I saw Harry coming out of the school. He looked very frantic about something." Cedric continued. Everyone's faces were turned to him; every pair of ears were listening intently to his words. "He ran to the Quidditch field, and so I followed him. I was not too far behind him when a burst of red light separated us." He paused, then continued, "The light was enclosed on him for a while, which was the reason that most students came. That is all."

"Did you send someone for help?" (Y/N) asked.

Cedric nodded. When he noticed the suspicious face (Y/N) was wearing, he said, "If you're wondering why I had not simply picked Harry up and take him to the infirmary myself, the reason is because he looks very fragile. None of us wanted to risk anything to get him hurt."

(Y/N) nodded in understanding. "I see, I see..." He mumbled, completely dissolved in his thoughts; What could have happened to a student within the Hogwarts barrier? Who could have done it? Why would someone hurt a Hogwarts student?

Still pondering, (Y/N) did not notice Professor McGonagall striding toward the group of students.

"Where is Potter?" She demanded, scanning the faces of the students.

"Right here, Professor." Cedric said, moving aside to give a full view of the injured boy.

(Y/N) looked up. He stepped back as well, watching the panic-stricken teacher hurry to Harry. She bent down to touch his forehead, then his pulse. Sighing in relief, the woman turned back to the crowd of students. She observed each wizard and witch before declaring, "You all ought to get to class. However, I wish for Mr. Diggory and Mr. Phoenix to stay."

The students slowly parted their ways, throwing curious glances at the two handsome wizards.

When the field was completely empty, except, of course, the three that stayed behind, McGonagall said sternly, "Well, Mr. Diggory, I suppose you know more about this situation than Mr. Phoenix." She pronounced the words as if it was a request, not a statement.

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