Chapter Four

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(A/N): Thank you guys for reading my story and giving supporting feedback :)


Third Person's Point of View


The next morning in the Great Hall, all the students were bustling with excitement. Even the professors seem more lively than usual.

Of course, (Y/N) knew it was the day before the arrival of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons wizards and witches, and it certainly did not cheer him up that Quidditch matches will be replaced by the Triwizard Tournament. 

And as he glanced up and down the Slytherin table, he could not find the one person that he has ever considered a friend. Aurelia Arkwright, a fellow Slytherin fifth year, who, quite ironically, is also a prefect and a terrific Quidditch player. She treats (Y/N) as an equal, never looking up nor down at him. She also shares the same beliefs as him, somehow keeping them a secret from her pure-blooded family. That was what (Y/N) liked about her.

She was pretty, he will have to admit, with long golden hair and bright blue eyes, like the shining sapphires in the Ravenclaw hourglass. Like him, her grades are always in good shape and her personality was like no others; funny yet serious at times. Wizards and witches all find her attractive and talented, but (Y/N) himself looks at her as a sister; someone to ask for advice when help is needed.

He took a deep breath, feeling somewhat upset, but as he glanced at the Gryffindor table, catching a quick glimpse of a familiar face. And as per usual, the owner had her nose buried in a book. A smile slowly formed on (Y/N)'s lips.

"What's with the happy face, Prefect Boy?" A voice said behind him. (Y/N)'s head swiveled to the direction of the sound and saw Aurelia grinning at him, taking the empty seat to his left.

"N-nothing! Why?" (Y/N) said, a bit too quickly. He could feel his face grow warm and his heartbeat pounding rapidly in his chest.

Aurelia raised an eyebrow at him before reaching for some bacon. She looked over at the Gryffindor table and (Y/N) immediately saw her eyes skimming over the heads of the seated students before they stopped and landed on Hermione Granger for a long moment.

She shifted her gaze back to (Y/N), who was blushing madly. 

Aurelia smirked. "Now isn't that adorable?" She said teasingly.

(Y/N) felt his cheeks and ears burn. 

Suddenly, a grim expression appeared on Aurelia's face; the humorous demeanor fading away. Her brows furrowed, studying (Y/N)'s face carefully.

"Is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked, his tone laced with uncertainty and concern. 

Aurelia sighed and turned her head away. "You do realize that... our, erm, bloodlines..." She shifted her eyes to her lap, fully aware that he was not happy by her comment.

A pang of hurt hit (Y/N)'s chest and was instantly replaced by fury.  "She is not any different than you and I, Aurelia." (Y/N) knew he should not be directing his anger at his best friend, as she was always there for him and was simply stating the obvious, but he has had enough of the demands he has to meet just to please others.

Aurelia did not reply for a long moment; she had not even touch her food and (Y/N) felt a little guilty, but his fury dominated over. He clenched his jaw, struggling to keep calm as he watch Aurelia's fingers twisting and tugging the sleeve of her robes. 

"I know, (Y/N). But your father..." Aurelia trailed off when she noticed (Y/N)'s eyes narrow dangerously at her.

"Don't you dare say another word about him." (Y/N) seethed, glaring at her despitefully.

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