Chapter Seven

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(A/N): Thank you all for all the feedback I received on my last Chapter. I hope you all like Chapter Seven :)


Third Person's Point of View



Fred gasped for air as he choked on the newest invention he and his twin brother, George, has created. The texture of the candy was simply too tough to chew and swallow, and Fred could barely breathe. Finally, he managed to spit out the thick glob, which landed on the polished corridor floor. Gasping for air, he snatched the goblet of pumpkin juice he had prepared beforehand and drained it.

After attempting to put their own names in the Goblet of Fire and had failed, the Weasley twins decided to commit their time to their business. Adding the fact that Harry's name was somehow mysteriously placed in the Goblet was even stranger. However, unlike the majority of the students, Fred and George did not mind it at all. In fact, they were extremely impressed and excited for what was to come.

"Well, that did not go as planned." George noted, waving his wand to clear up the mess on the floor. 

Fred rolled his eyes at his twin and scanned the recipe once more. "I don't know where it went wrong..." 

"Think Harry will need some of our help for the Triwizard Tournament?" George asked, smiling.

Fred looked up and grinned back. "Ah, how thoughtful of you, George!"

"He'll be disqualified if you two try anything." A familiar voice interrupted.

Fred turned to see Ron staring at him, but something seemed off; Ron didn't have his usual curious demeanor that he possesses when the twins tinkered with their experiments. 

Not thinking too much about Ron's odd behavior, Fred teasingly said, "Look George, our Ickle Ronnikins has finally grown up."

George snorted. "Looks to me like we have another Percy."

In response to George's comment, Ron scowled at him with dismay, but then he reached into his pocket and retrieved a Galleon and tossed it to him.

Wide eyed, George studied the gleaming golden coin and then peered up at Ron with suspicion. "Where did you get this?"

"That is none of your concern." Ron said flatly, with a sliver of annoyance laced in his tone. "What I want to know is how many of those Ton-Tongue Toffees can a Galleon buy?"

"Where did you get this money, Ron?" George repeated, clutching the gold coin so tightly, his knuckles turned white. The Weasley family was not known for having wealth, and it is nearly impossible for them to possess a Galleon.

"We're not handing anything over until you tell us." Fred added, frowning at their little brother with a slight air of disapproval. 

"Fine, then you can give me back my money." Ron said, swiping for the coin.

Acting on instinct, Fred grasped onto the Galleon as George threw it to him. Fred laughed. "Ickle Ronnikins won't tell big brawters where he stole this Galleon." The Weasley twins constantly enjoyed tormenting their younger brother and they knew Ron hated them for that.

"Shut up!" Ron said hotly, his face turning redder and redder by the moment as he continues to chase after the coin.

"Tell us the truth, Ron; where did you get this money?" George said coaxingly in a soothing voice, although he was smirking too. His smile then vanished. "Ron, please don't tell me you stole it-"

Barriers - Hermione Granger x (Slytherin) Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora