Chapter Three

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A/N: And here's Chapter Three like I said. Thank you all for voting and commenting in the last chapter. And a huge thank you to the many supporting and patient readers! :)


Third Person's Point of View


(Y/N) stared at the ceiling, listening to the snores of his fellow Slytherins. He barely slept throughout the night, and Ron Weasley's words kept echoing though his head. The comment probably didn't seem much to other people, but to (Y/N), it was like a knife through his heart.



(Y/N) remembered his first time on the Hogwarts Express. Before he had boarded the train, he recalled his father's words, "Do remember about your status, (Y/N)." Luther Phoenix (A/N: I'm sorry you guys can't choose your own last names :( ) said coldly. "Mudbloods and pure bloods like us do not mix. Choose your companions carefully; one speck of Muggle blood can bring the downfall of our family name, understand?"

(Y/N) nodded reluctantly. His family were filled with ambitious pure blood Slytherins, and the Phoenix family is well known for their wealth and ranking in the Wizarding World.

At a very small age (Y/N) has been considered... odd... by his family, relatives, and strangers. He had no friends because his father does not believe in friendship. "Pure bloods like us don't need friends, (Y/N)." His father had once told him, leading a six year-old (Y/N) down one of the halls of their house.

"Father," (Y/N) paused, hesitant. When the older man did not reply, he continued on, "What's wrong with M-mudbloods?" His fingers twiddled together nervously because he knew how much his father hated Muggles.

Luther glanced at his son and finally responded, "They are disgusting and vile creatures."

Flashback End

Even now, his father would constantly remind him whenever he comes home from Hogwarts.

In the cold and lonely mansion he called his home, he would sometimes join his father in the his study or spend his time in the humongous library. He was forbidden to talk to the house elves in the kitchen because Luther knew how much his son pitied them. And for that reason (Y/N) was not allowed to leave the house unless given permission.

Under the thick frost that coated Luther's personality, there is a tiny spark of warmth and fondness for (Y/N). His father is not an evil man; he is just a prideful wizard. (Y/N) knew this of course, but he couldn't help and feel... unloved by him.

The only time (Y/N) had seen deep affection in the layers and layers of ice in his father's eyes was the times when his mother had been alive. A man can always love, and the same goes for Luther Phoenix. 

It was clear that (Y/N) had inherited his father's appearance and his mother's personality. For (Y/N), Mira Phoenix was his role model and the person he had admired the most, although the fact that she, along with her husband, despises Muggles and Muggle-borns, deeply annoyed him.

At Hogwarts, everyone either fears him or dislikes him, even the professors and ghosts. The only people who accepts (Y/N) as an equal was the Slytherin House and Professor Snape. 

(Y/N) is Snape's favorite student, whether it is because one of his strongest subject is Potion Making or because his father and Snape familiar with one another. (Y/N) was also handpicked by the Potion Master to join the Slytherin Quidditch team and declared captain in his first year. Not many people knew about that, except for Snape. The Head of Slytherin had drugged the food during the last meal of that school year, so their memories will reforge themselves to think (Y/N) was made captain in his second year once the students and teachers come back the next year.

The record of victories for the House of Slytherin started going down when Harry Potter came to Hogwarts. Most people in (Y/N)'s house already hated the famous wizard before he had even stepped foot inside the castle. And (Y/N) knew why; the Dark Lord was defeated on a fateful night thirteen years ago(A/N: Just a friendly reminder; in this story, you, the reader, will be fifteen, in case if you did not pay attention or forgot that in the first chapter and summary (: ) that had caused many lives to be lost. 

Luther Phoenix was furious when he learned that a 'mere boy' had defeated the Slytherin Quidditch team. And when he found out that 'mere boy' was the famous Harry Potter himself, he was in a fit of rage. But, unlike most of wizards and witches in the Slytherin House, Luther does not like nor dislike the Dark Wizard. He approves of the plans the Dark Lord and his followers carry out, but was incredibly displeased by the fact that magical blood was spilt.

Although Luther does not admit it, (Y/N) knew that his father was slightly impressed by Harry Potter's first Quidditch match. Truth to be told, (Y/N) was too. It actually reminded him of his first year. 

(Y/N) was frustrated that they lost a game for the first time in years, but he wasn't angry. He urged his teammates to train daily, but only half of them shows up to practice. This caused him to replace the entire team with more reliable wizards and witches.

The Slytherin team won every so often up to (Y/N)'s fifth year. This year, Snape had said, is going to be different because Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are joining Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament, which was to take place in front of the castle at six o'clock on Friday the 30th of October.

(Y/N) was also chosen prefect, no surprises there. People had already started betting that he will be Head Boy as well. 

Not only that, (Y/N) actually possess... feelings for a certain Gryffindor. It had started out as a crush at first, but it started building up ever since the scene in the library. 

It was a silly thing; to have romantic thoughts about her when she most likely does not even love him back, much less as a friend. 

(Y/N) sighed and turned over on the soft mattress of his bed. 

"If only, if only, " he murmured, his eyes starting to close.


And ta-da! Chapter three is done! I hope you guys enjoyed this one as much as the previous two! If there are any grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes, feel free to say so down below. Please comment, vote, and follow! Thank you :)

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