Training Summer Camp; Gohan's and Momo's training

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As everyone was getting ready for camp, everyone wore some casual.
Gohan, son of Kakarrot. You have done well in your training. Accept these with pride.' Placing the note to the side, he picked up the lid. Inside was Saiyan armor, much like the one he had worn three years ago, when he trained for the Cell Games. Although it wasn't his style, he had a sudden idea. He grabbed his purple-and-blue Gi and threw it on, however, instead of wearing the shoes much like his father would have worn, he slid on the Saiyan gloves and boots. "Hmm..." He looked himself in the mirror and threw several high-speed punches. "They definitely feel better. No wonder Vegeta always wears these." He said to himself as he looked at himself. The look will need some getting used to. If it grows on me, I'll keep it.

With a brief speech from Mr. Aizawa, everyone waited outside for the buses to be ready. Since they were told to bring some casual clothes, Gohan had a suitcase with his Turtle Hermit Gi, bearing the kanji for 'Han.' Gohan could hear Monoma from Class-B suddenly yelling before being put to rest by Kendo. "Oh hey, it's Class-B, everyone!" He called out. Moments later, it was finally time to board the bus, and the ride to the camp was just as chaotic as bus rides go. Past the loud talking and the music that Kaminari and Kirishima was attempting to play, Iida was yelling at Sero, Hagakure, and Aoyama about standing.

Upon arrival, the class was met with a railing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a massive forest. "So, the camp is near here, isn't Mr. Aizawa? After all, you're not the type to just waste time taking in the scenery." Gohan suggested, walking up to him, Midoriya, and Todoroki.

"You're right, Gohan." He said as the doors of a nearby car opened. From it emerged two grown women in cat costumes and a young boy. Following their introduction, Aizawa broke them out of their confused state. "These are the Pro Heroes you'll be working with at the Summer Training Camp."

"They're a four-person rescue team that specializes in mountain rescues! The Pussycats were founded when we were kids, like forever ago!" Before he could finish explaining to the class about their 12th Anniversary, the woman in blue snatched his head in her paw, explaining to him that she was only 18 at heart.

"Wow...they're pretty scary, aren't they, Gohan?" Hagakure asked him.

"Huh? Not really. I've been around people faster and scarier than that since I was five-years-old." He told her nonchalantly.

"Dude, you are seriously something else." Mineta said, overhearing their conversation.

The Hero in red took a step towards the railing. "We own this whole stretch of land, and the camp you're looking for is right over there, at the base of the mountain." She explained, bringing fear into everyone's heart.

"You know what that means, guys." Gohan told them, further amplifying their fear.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning. If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon." The red Pussycat said with a devilish smile. As everyone, with the exception of Gohan, retreated to the bus, the Pussycat only taunted them. "Kitties who don't make it there by noon aren't eating any lunch, so I'd suggest you hurry."

"Class, you should have already known." Aizawa said as the blue Pussycat stood between them and the bus, slamming her palms to the ground. The earth below them loosened and shifted, lifting all the students and throwing them off the cliff. "The Training Camp has already begun." He looked up at Gohan, who had been floating out of reach of the ground.

"So you're Quirk is flight, huh?" The blue Pussycat called out to him.

"Nope!" He responded before flying downward to reunite with his class, leaving the Pussycats confused. Following this, the other Pussycat explained that it was privately owned land, and that they were free to use their Quirks.

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