Gohan is manly!!; Momo's time for love

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With the internship over, Gohan thanked Vegeta and Bulma for allowing him to stay and intern with their agency. As Gohan walked away waving, Bulma waved back with a smile, while Vegeta simply looked away with his arms crossed. Remembering what Vegeta had said, Gohan had smiled to himself and began running towards the train station, where he met with Iida. "Oh, hey Tenya. What's going on?"

"Oh, Gohan. You've been well, I presume?" He asked his friends.

Gohan, getting a little too excited, clenched his hand and uncharacteristically yelled out. "You bet! I got much stronger this week!" Gohan shouted, pumping his fists as surprise washed over Iida's face.

Iida's face straightened, as he shook his head and closed his eyes. "Stronger than you already were? Incredible. It feels like you're already fit to be a Pro Hero."

"What about you? You took down the Hero Killer, didn't you?"

"You're mistaken. It was Endeav-" He began before being cut off.

"No way. I know it was you, Izuku, and Shoto who took him down. I could notice the cuts on your bodies, and Endeavor didn't appear until Stain was already just about defeated." Gohan pressed, causing Iida's eyes to face the ground. With a hand firmly grasping his shoulder, he looked up. "Hey, don't let it get to you. I mean, I took the most powerful villain that this world has ever seen when I was 11-years-old, but I don't get any credit."

"Wait are you talking about-!?"

"Shh, it's a secret to everyone but my closest friends. Anyway, let's get to class." The two jumped on the train as it skid to a halt and the doors opened, inviting its passengers to board.

Sero and Kirishima suddenly began laughing at Bakugo's ridiculous generic-anime-protaginist-style hair. "Stop laughing! My hair has gotten used to it and now I can't get it back to nomal!" Bakugo grumbled. "Did you hear me?! I'll kill you both!"

"I'd like to see you try, pretty boy!" Sero teased as Kirishima continued to die of laughter on the side.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" He yelled, forcing his hair back to its explosive spike-ball. Several groups of students sat about talking to each other about their internships.

Gohan sat next to Kaminari and Mineta, explaining to them how his internship went. "So, a friend of my Dad invited me to his Agency at Capsule Corp as an intern, and it wasn't anything special. Just a lot of gravity training and sparring."

"Hold on, what's this about Capsule Corp and gravity training? What does that even mean?" Kaminari asked him.

"Oh, well, this man is married to Bulma Brief, who developed a chamber for us to use that can multiply the surrounding gravity." He explained.

"So it's kinda like weight lifting, but with your whole body. Yeah, doubling or tripling your weight can help your body's speed and strength." Mineta chimed in as Kaminari crossed his arms.

"Hold on, so you can fight under two or three times Earth's gravity?"

"Actually, I was up to 800G before our fight destroyed the chamber." Gohan told them, putting a finger on his chin. "Also, I learned a new power called Kaiōken. It's a power multiplier that I must use whenever I have no options left.

The two of them took a step back nervously. "Whoa, you're not serious right?" Kaminari asked, earning a nod from Gohan. "Wow, you really are some kind of monster. The only person here who could do something like that is..." He suddenly looked over to Uraraka, who had a visibly battle-hungry aura as she talked to Ashido and Asui. "Man, one week with Gunhead and she's already a completely different person."

The Saiyajin's creation (Gohan x Momo)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt