A new hero is formed;Gohan in Musutafu

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"NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!!!!!" Voice Of Son Goku screamed to his son. Gohan was battling the bio android Cell in a clash of kamehameha waves and with one final push, Gohan's rage explodes causing the android Cell to fall.
-7 years later-
"Gohan! You need to be at Bulma's to help her with a project." Chi-chi told his son and savior of earth.

"Okay, mom! I'll be down in a few." Gohan replies to his mother.

Gohan is the new protector of earth. Ever since his father Son Goku sacrificed for the earth many times, he always wanted to follow his father's footsteps.

"Father, one day I will make you proud." Gohan looks up in the skies as he's flying to Bulma's wondering how his father Goku is doing in otherworld .

"Yo King Kai, do you think Gohan and the others are prepared for anything?" Goku was concern about his son since he stopped training and stick to schooling. Gohan arrived at Bulma's but no one was here until he hears machines whirring.

"Bulma, I'm here. Is there anything I can do for you?" Gohan looking for Bulma.

"Oh, Gohan! Thank goodness you are here. Can you hold this machine?" Bulma asked the saiyajin hybrid to help work on a machine to travel into other dimensions.

As Gohan holds the machine, the machine was powered on and a rift begins to form. Gohan was curious to see what world this was.

"Huh? Those kids are in trouble!" Gohan looks to see a girl with black hair tied up on her head with cat-like onyx eyes and a girl with purple hair and earphones jacks for her ears. And they were dealing with a villain who is electric as well whose holding a young man with a lightning on his blonde hair.

Suddenly, a burst of lightning hit the Saiyajin hybrid sending him into the new world.

"Aahhh! Gohan!!!" Bulma screams as she sees Gohan go into another world. (Don't worry folks! There will be a Kami's lookout and a hyperbolic time chamber as well as Senzu beans)

"Whoa! What is going on with me?! GWWAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Gohan screams as Bulma was shocked and scared to save Gohan.

-meanwhile at the USJ-
Momo, Jirou, and Kaminari were having a hard time dealing with the villains until they see a mysterious vortex and a young man crash landed on the villains.

"Uh... what was that?" Jirou looked to be stunned at what she and the others saw. They came to see a young man with black spiky hair and a purple gi with a blue undershirt. His face is scuffled and his body was chiseled.

"Whoever he is, he's a real help." Kaminari spoke.

"Ugh! What happened?" Gohan was getting up and saw three faces. Two were the girls and the other was a boy. 'Who are they? They have power levels and it's different from what I expected.'

"Excuse me, sir but who are you?" Momo asked the Saiyajin Hybrid.

"Oh sorry. My name is Son Gohan. I wish we could talk more but I felt a power dropping in a far distance. Got to get over there." Gohan replies to Yaoyorozu and flew at break neck speed.

"A-amazing! He can fly and sense other people too. I wonder what his Quirk is?" Momo said in astonishment.

The Saiyajin hybrid saw a man who was worn out from attacking a purple creature and a man who had a hand on his face.
"This doesn't look good! I better take care of this!" Gohan drops down to where All Might, Bakugou, Deku, Kirishima, and Todoroki we're and stopped the punch from the Nomu creature.  "Sir, are you all right?" He asked the man who was in state of shock and bewilderment over what just happened.

'That kid just stopped that Nomu's attack and he's putting himself in danger...' All Might thought "No! Don't put yourself out there for me! I'm the one he wants. Don't sacrifice your life for mine!" All Might pleaded but Gohan's determined eyes told a better story.

The Saiyajin's creation (Gohan x Momo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя