Chapter 2

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The back of someone's hand hit my face. I woke up and glared at the person beside me. I moved his hand off of my face and sat up. I watched him peacefully sleep. His lip was puckered out and that made him even cuter.

I kissed his cheek and got out of bed. After dinner, Jin insisted on us staying and sleeping the night so we did. We slept in my old room. My room still had the bed but everything else is gone.

I left my room and walked down the stairs. I entered the kitchen to see Hoseok and Jimin eating breakfast. Hoseok noticed me.

"Good morning, Y/n," Hoseok smiled. I smiled back. Jimin waved at me.

"Good morning you two," I said, standing beside Hoseok. "How come you aren't eating at the dining table?" Hoseok fed me some of his breakfast.

"Was really hungry and the table was too far," Jimin shrugged, finishing his food. I nodded in understanding. I looked at the clock in the kitchen. 1:25 pm.

"Well I got a class to teach. See you later," Hoseok said, putting his bowls in the sink. He kissed my head and patted Jimin's back. "Make sure to clean the dish before you leave."

Jimin and I said goodbye and watched the dark hair male leave the house. Jimin turned the sink on and grabbed the sponge.

"Jimin, when are your classes," I asked, watching Jimin put dish soap on the bowls.

"It's in an hour," Jimin said, groaning. He scrubbed the bowls and utensils. "Don't you have classes too?"

"I choose to do night classes," I said, smiling and mentally groaning at night classes. Jimin handed me a wet bowl. I grabbed a rag and dried it.

"What's your major," Jimin asked.

"(Major)," I said my choice. Jimin nodded.

"Interesting," he said, yawning.

"What about you," I asked.

"Dance," he answered. I nodded. I figured it was something with performance. Jimin's phone began to ring.

"Mind getting that from me," he said, putting his butt closer to me. I chuckled and pulled the ringing phone out. I looked at the name. Jenny.

I gasped. "Your still together with her!"

Jimin chuckled and nodded. "Answer it now or she'll get mad."

I glared at him and answered the phone. I put the phone on speaker. Jimin turned the sink off.

Jenny, whatever her surname is, is Jimin's girlfriend. They started dating 4 months ago and they've been going on and off. Whenever I visit they argue. That one month break I was gone was heaven because I didn't have to hear Jenny's voice.

Let's just say I dislike her because she's so protective and controlling. Nobody in our family likes her and Jimin knows that. Jimin is only with her because he's "madly in love" with her.

"Why didn't you pick up faster," Jenny's voice rang in the kitchen. Jimin and I looked at each other. He nervously smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm washing the dishes right now with my sister," Jimin said. Jenny scoffed.

"So the dishes are more important then me," Jenny said. Jimin looked at me again. I shook my head in disapproval.

"No! That's not true. My hands were wet and I was trying to dry them," Jimin said, wiping his wet hands on his sweat pants. "If I get my phone wet then I won't be able to call you."

"Get a water proof case. Anyways, I chipped my nail so come with me to the nail salon," Jenny said. Can she not go herself? Jimin took the phone out of my hand.

"I kind of want to spend time with my sister and I have class in an hour," Jimin said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was about to turn off the speaker but I slapped his hand.

"You spent all your life with her. Are you not my boyfriend? And what was that noise? Are you cheating on me? Why are you even like this? I just want to spend some time with my boyfriend but he wanna spend it with his sister who he sees everyday!" Jenny ranted.

"Okay okay! I'll pick you up! I'll be there in 10 minutes," Jimin said, tired of her rant.

"Thanks baby! I love you so much," she said and smooched the phone. She hung up and I crossed my arms.

"How's your relationship," I asked.

"I know I know! Our relationship is horrible but come on. Just try to like her," Jimin pleaded. I shook my head.

"When I first met her, I liked her but now she argues with you everyday! She controls your life. You can't even hang out with me without her assuming you don't love her anymore," I said. Jimin sighed.

"I'm really sorry Y/n," Jimin said, turning the sink back on.

"Jimin, clearly she gives you stress so dump her," I said, rubbing his back. He turns to me and smiled.

"Y/n, I really do love her and she makes me happy. Happiness will have some bad parts to it," Jimin said. I sighed. There's no hope for this baby.

"As long as your happy," I said. He nodded.


"As long as he's happy?! Is he that desperate!"

"Tell me about Arisa ! It makes me mad that Jenny doesn't appreciate him," I scoffed. Jimin left the house and I immediately dialed Arisa's number to rant.

"Forget him! This been going on long enough. If he's happy with her then be it," Arisa said. I nodded.

"But if he cries then I'll be there for him," I added.

"You shouldn't. He deserves it," Arisa said. "But your too nice to be mean."

I nodded. Someone entered the room, whining. I looked at the person, Jungkook. He jumped on the couch.

"My mom keeps calling me," he groggily said.

"Is that your hubby I hear," Arisa cooed.

"No," I said, ignoring Jungkook. If I said yes then Arisa would leave me and I didn't want to stop talking to my best friend.

"Y/n! Love me," Jungkook said, loud enough for Arisa to hear.

"I want some nieces and nephews," Arisa teases and hung up. I groan and looked at the male. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I love you," Jungkook lovingly said. I rolled my eyes. Ruin my talk for this.

"I love you too," I said. He puckered his lips and I chuckled. I lean in to kiss his lips.

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