Chapter 44 - Labor Pains (Part 2) ✔

Start from the beginning

Just as I was about to ask her if she's doing okay, another contraction hits her so I made my way to her side and held onto her hand and count down the seconds while looking at monitor as you can read on there when the contractions is nearly over, this is bullshit really! I just want this to be over with, I can't stand her being in so much pain.

Just as I was about to ask her if she's doing okay, another contraction hits her so I made my way to her side and held onto her hand and count down the seconds while looking at monitor as you can read on there when the contractions is nearly over,...

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"That's right baby, you're almost there just breath..." I say and she just looks up at me blowing wind out as you can clearly see she's in pain. "There it's over, you're good now"

"It's stronger Steph, I can't do this anymore..." She says and then starts crying, the time between contractions has increased to 3 minutes apart which means it won't be long now.

"I know baby, just hang in there it won't be long now I promise" and just as I said that the doctor walks in and greets everyone then make her way to Kiara's side, reading through the papers on the monitor.

"It's seems your contractions is much strong now and closer together, we're going to have to check again how far your dilated and move you up to delivery." She says smiling at Kiara and Kiara can't even smile back, fuck. "I have to ask everyone to leave the room so I can check the patient, you can just wait outside the door, we won't be long." Doctor then addresses everyone in the room and they all move out without saying a word.

"Now let's have a look shall we?" She says as soon as everyone was gone and then she moved to the foot end of the bed as she puts on the gloves and then puts here fingers inside Kiara, something I had to watch since we got here every damn hour and if I knew what to look for, I would do it myself because I hate watching how the doctor gets to touch what's mine, even if she's a woman!

"Well it would seem that your babies are ready, you are 9 centimetres dilated. It's time we get her up to the delivery room, you almost there Kiara it won't be long now until you get to push out your babies." Doctor says smiling at her while moving to the side to press the button to call the nurse on call. "Nurse we need to move now" doctor says as soon as the nurse enters the room, she nod and leaves the room only to return with 2 other nurses and another Doctor.

"Mr Romano we are moving her up to delivery now, it's time" the doctor says as I'm just standing here watching them preparing to move Kiara out the room, so I just nod my head and made my way to her side again.

"Already baby, this is it, you have to be strong now for the 3 of you and come out of this all alive and well okay, SO I CAN MARRY YOU THE SECOND YOU LEAVE THIS HOSPITAL" I say to her and get a surprised look from her in return.

"Already baby, this is it, you have to be strong now for the 3 of you and come out of this all alive and well okay, SO I CAN MARRY YOU THE SECOND YOU LEAVE THIS HOSPITAL" I say to her and get a surprised look from her in return

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Cheated Then Knocked Up By Romano Where stories live. Discover now