Chapter 42 - Surprise Birthday Party ✔

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You see my mother always use to plan this celebratory dinner for my birthday every year and every year my father would be to busy to make it to that one dinner my mom expected everyone to be present at, he would use the business as an excuse or he would be out of town most of the time, so it would always just be my mom, brother and all our friends. Not having my father present wasn't what made me hate this day, it was what happened after my 19th birthday dinner, when everyone had left and knowing my father wasn't there to protect his family, is what made me hate him and this fucked up day...

"What's wrong?!" Kiara asks bringing me out of my thoughts and I didn't even realize I was just standing here in front of the mirror gritting my teeth, I'm sure Kiara thinks I hate the clothes she bought, shit!

"Nothing baby, I was just thinking about this text I got earlier while dressing" I lied not wanting to upset her as I'm so NOT in the mood for one of her meltdowns today.

"You sure? Is it about work or do you want to talk about it?" She asks softly and I can tell that I worried her.

"It's just work baby, everything is fine I promise. Now how do I look? Do you like it?" I asked twirling for her just to take her mind off of what just happened.

"You look handsome! I knew you would though, I mean I can fucking put you in a plastic bag and you would still look hot" she says almost like she's annoyed with that fact but her shinny eyes would beg to differ.

"Why thank you Mia Bella" I say and then kiss her just wanting this moment to pass. "Now shall we get out of here? Wherever it is that we are going?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her.

"Yip! Let me just text Simon real quick okay" she says and then goes to the bed to get her bag and then types away on her phone. "Okay his already outside waiting for us, let's go" she says and then makes her way to the door, she's so damn excited for this dinner and I just don't get why.

Walking behind her without argument, after grabbing my gun, wallet and phone from the counter where I had left it earlier when I came to lay down for the afternoon and surprisingly I was laying alone as Kiara was out with the girls for lunch but was gone most of the day... Probably arranging her surprise dinner and I hope she didn't go way out.

Walking behind a wobbling Kiara as she is to excited to wait for me, not worried about the stairs anymore as I already moved us downstairs to a guest bedroom near the entrance door to make it easier on her and specially for when she goes into labour, as I was told by Dr. Jacobs that Kiara will have to be brought in to the hospital when she gives birth because she's having twins, there's a higher chance of complications and would need a medical team to be involved in the birth of our babies.

Getting to the door I wasn't surprised to see that Kiara was waiting for me outside the front door, probably needing help to get down the stairs in those damn heals she's wearing. "You sure wearing these are a good idea?" I asked when I get infront of her, gesturing to her shoes.

"I want to look nice, don't worry I'll be fine once you get me down these steps" she says with a shy smile, she can sometimes be so fucking adorable. Without saying a word I nod my head and then lift her in my arms and carry her down to the SUV that's waiting for us with Simon and James standing by the car.

When we all were seated Simon started driving, about 20 minutes into the drive, I noticed Kiara typing away on her phone nonstop, which is weird as she almost never chats with the girls when we are alone or on our way out but I'm not even going to question her as I already know how that will turn out, her crying and me sitting with a damn migraine.

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