I was stood with my friends by my locker. My foot tapped anxiously. Dianne hadnt shown up yet and it wasnt like her to show up this late. I saw her walk in as the bell went, meaning i couldnt talk to her. She glanced up at me and smiled a little, however i noticed she had makeup caked on. She never did usually. Not that much anyway. I watched at Oli, Conor and Mikey walked after her, since they were going to tutor. I walked with the other boys, shushing any of them that tried making a joke about her. Id hang out with her during breaks, even if it meant having to invite her over to my table to see her. Id tell the boys to stay quiet anyway. Theyd listen.

Diannes POV

I let Mikey and Conor walk in front of me and Oli. I knew i should tell him since he wouldnt tell. When the others were far enough away, i pulled him to a stop.
"Whats up?" He asked. Luckily he didnt noticed the make up on my face, hiding the bruises there.
"Me and joe-"
"What did he do? He didnt hurt you did he?" Oli asked. He knew about the crush when it first happened.
"No its not that." I smiled. "He asked me out." I whispered. Oli smiled and hugged me.
"Thats amazing! However were going to be late for tutor if we stand here." He chuckled. With that, we walked in and sat down, getting signed in. This was going to be the one good thing happening in my life. Nothing could ruin this now.

*Time Skip to first break*

Joe ran over to me when he saw me. He wasnt with his friends.
"Hey little red." He chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Hey Joseph." I giggled, walking next to me.
"You can come to mine after school again. Also youre sitting with me now-"
"But joe-"
"My friends arent going to do anything." He said. "Ill make sure of it." He gave me a reasurring smile which had me won over.
"Fine." I chuckled, knowing id be okay.

We walked into the canteen, sitting at the table the Kendolls always sat at. Could i still call them that? I guess so, just exclude Joe from now on. When i sat down next to him, all his friends except oli and byron looked at him as if he were insane.
"What?" He asked, all of them looking at me.
"So? Its Dianne. We all know her." He chuckled, swinging an arm round me. "Shes not gonna kill you all. So continue with your talks." He said, the boys going back to talking to one another. "Told you youd be fine." He chuckled. The boys hadnt caught onto our relationship, which was good for us both until they got more comfortable with me, and nicer too. Break soon ended, and i swung my bag onto my shoulder.
"I have dance." I said softly, joe smiling.
"Ive got art, ill see you in english." He smiled before walking off to the art classrooms. I walked to the changing rooms and changed into my dance uniform. I walked into the gym and began stretching.

Joes POV

Our art teacher allowed us to go out into the school grounds and do some drawing. I smiled and walked to the gym. They had windows which i could look through. I saw dianne through the window before looking at my blank page. Our teacher said we could draw anything. I began to sketch the red head when she went back to stretching so it was easy for me to draw her. The drawing was actually really good, something i was proud of. I smiled softly, luckily none of thr class having noticed me. I had a few minutes left, so i just watched Dianne through the window until the girls went in to go change. I got up and walked back to my art classroom to get my bag, waiting for the bell to go.

Diannes POV

The bell went and i walked quickly to english. When i walked into the classroom, joe was sat there with the project out, waiting for me to get there. I sat down, smiling brightly at him.
"Hey." I giggled, grabbing a pen.
"I realised we never exchanged numbers." He said. I sniffed and looked down at my lap.
"I dont have my phone anymore" I whispered. I expected him to judge me, but i felt him grab my hand softly.
"That doesnt matter." He smiled. "Just means if i need to talk to you i get to see your pretty face." He chuckled, leaving me blushing as he got to work. I soon helped with the project, the two of us messing around. I looked up to see Josh glaring at me. I nudged Joe and he looked up, glaring at josh knowing the ginger would listen to him and chill out. I smiled, letting joe take the project.
"To lunch." He chuckled

*After School*

I sat down on joes bed. He closed the door before looking at me seriously. I looked down, not knowing what id done. He grabbed some wiped and sat in front of me, tilting my head up.
"Youre wearing a lot of make up today." He said. "Youre hiding something."
Crap. Hed figured out.
Joe took one of the wipes, removing my layers of make up. He frowned, seeing the bruising.
"What on earth happened?" He asked protectively.
I was reluctant to tell him, but i knew he wouldnt leave me alone until i told him.

*Possible Trigger, Diannes Past*

I sniffed, taking a deep breath. "When i was little, life was good. I lived in australia with my mum, dad and my brother. I started dance at 4, and after one year my parents were driving me to one of my recital. I was messing around in the back, and my parents were trying to get me to sit still, b-but they were looking a-and my dad crashed the car....my mother didnt make it. She died straight away." I whined, joe putting an arm around me. "F-for years.....my dad hated me. He wouldnt call me his daughter anymore. He didn't treat me like family. He blamed me for her death every day, and treated my brother like gold but me like dirt under his shoe. My nan secretly kept paying for my dance lessons, which i love her for. But when i reached 15, my dad sent me here to live with my aunt. She hated me too, since she believe it was my fault i killed my mum.....everyday she hits me....punches or kicks me.....she took my phone y-yesterday and smashed it.....s-since i moved here...y-you and your group bullied me e-everyday...Oli w-was my only friend.....but a-after each s-school day id c-come home and get screamed at....." i had broken down, struggling to talk. He pulled me close, having a look of guilt on his face.
He kissed my forehead, gently tracing the bruises on my face.
"Di....i-im so sorry..." he sniffed, tearing up after hearing my story.

Joes POV

I was speachless, absolutely speachless. The poor girl was only 16 and her life was a trainwreck. Me and my friends made it so much worse. I rubbed her back, letting her cry into my shoulder until she couldnt anymore. I tilted her head up, giving her a weak smile. "Youre so so strong." I whispered, playing with the ends of her hair. "Im gonna do anything and everything it takes to make your life better." I said before getting up, grabbing my phone before grabbing one of my old phones. I sent everything to myself before resetting my old phone, giving it to dianne. "Ill put my number in it." I said softly once it was set up for her. I added my number. "If you ever need help, message or call me when you can. But keep this hidden, and use it for emergancies okay?" I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Send me your address." I said, dianne texting it to me. "When you message me, ill come get you." I said softly. "We have a couple hours, and when was the last time your uniform was washed?" I asked, dianne sighing. "My aunt refuses to wash it, and doesnt let me was it myself." She whined. "Go shower, ill get some of my sisters clothes from her old room that she left here before she moved out. Ill wash your uniform while youre here." I said softly, getting her a towel and some clothes before taking her to the bathroom and turning the shower on. "Pass your uniform out when youve taken it off." I said before leaving and closing the door. She soon threw her uniform out before locking the door. I walked downstairs and put it in the washing machine with the fabric conditioner and washing power, leaving it to wash for an hour. I sat in the living room, watching Friends while i waited for Dianne.

Diannes POV

I showered for around half an hour, drying off before putting on zoes clothes. They were a little small in length but it was fine. I hung the towels up before walking downstairs, seeing joe and smiling. I walked over and sat next to him. We watched friends until my uniform was done. I followed joe to the kitchen, sitting on the counter as he put my uniform in the tumble dryer.
"Shouldnt be long now." He said, making us both pasta and getting two glasses of water.

I soon had to go, getting in my uniform and giving back the clothes i borrowed. I kissed him goodbye, beginning to walk home, glad my uniform was clean. I felt the phone joe gave me in my pocket and smiled brightly, knowing i could call him or text him if i needed to. I walked in, seeing my aunt passed out on the sofa. I walked over, seeing emoty alcohol bottles. I cleared them up, throwing them away before walking to my room and changing, folding up my uniform and getting into bed. I thought it would be a peaceful night.

I was mistaken.

Joes POV

It had been a couple hours since Dianne went home, and I was about to go to sleep before hearing my phone beep. I checked it, thinking it was one of the lads, but oh was i wrong.

'Help me.'

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