Chapter 6

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When we came back from the trip to Jeju, it was already 11PM. So we decided to let the guys sleep over at our place.

“So… We actually only have 2 rooms to sleep in, but the living room is big enough I guess.” Eli said. “Let’s have a movie marathon and just sleep here!” Donghae suggested. We all agreed. “We don’t have that many snack though…” I searched the cupboards. “We can get pizza.” Hoon grinned and called Pizza Hut. “So… What movie? We got some action, horror, sci-fi and comedy movies. Pick.” I held out the movies in my hands. “HORROR!” They all said in unison. Damn… I’m such a scaredy-cat though. Kevin noticed my uneasy expression and squeezes my hands. I smiled at him. “Lezzgo!” I sat next to Kevin and Eli and grabbed a pillow just in case I get too scared. Just when Eli was about to start the movie, the doorbell rang. “I got cash!” Eunhyuk gave Eli money and he paid the delivery guy. “Thanks man.” He returned and sat down. “PIZZA!” I giggled and grabbed a slice. The screen turned black and the title of the movie popped on the screen. The movie started with a jumpscare. I scream and pulled the pillow in front of my face. “It’s okay now…” Kevin whispered to me. I looked at the screen again and ate my pizza just to relax myself a little. A few minutes later, there was a worse jumpscare. “ASDFGHJKL AAAHHH!” I shut my eyes and grabbed Kevin’s arm. I hid myself into his chest and silently cried. Kevin patted my head. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s not gonna hurt you. I’ll protect you.” I felt a little better and smiled at Kevin, my eyes a little red and puffy from crying. “Are you two together? You’re all lovey-dovey with him Jinnie.” Eli said which surprised me. I sat up straight and looked at Eli. “No, it’s nothing like that… We’re just best friends. You know that.” Eli raised his eyebrow. Fuck… He doesn’t believe me.

When the movie was over we decided to go to sleep. Eli and I grabbed the blankets and stuff and laid them down. I slept next to Eli, because he didn’t trust the boys. I just turned for the past 1 hour. It was too cold and I didn’t want to cuddle up with Eli… So… “Kev? Are you still awake?” I heard nothing. I sat up straight and looked at Kevin. He was sleeping soundly. He looks so peaceful… I smiled to myself. I quietly stood up and walked over to Kevin. “Kevin?” I tapped his shoulder. He shifted a little and slowly opened his eyes. When he saw me he immediately smiled. “Hi there.” He waved. “I can’t sleep…” I pouted. “Ahh, so cute.” He pinched my cheeks. “Come here.” He opened (?) his blanket and I immediately cuddled in with him. “What if Eli wakes up earlier?” He looked a little worried. “Well, then we should just tell him that we’re dating. He’s my brother, I don’t think he will be mad.” I smiled. “Okay then, sleep well baby.” He kissed my forehead. “Sleep well.” I snuggled into his chest and doze off.

“What the… KIM YEJIN WHAT’S THE MEANING OF THIS?!” I woke up to Eli screaming in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and looked straight in Eli’s eyes. Shit… “Eli, I was cold so I just needed someone to snuggle with.” “You could’ve just woke me up you know.” I sighed. “I know.” I looked at Kevin, he just woke up too. He looked over at Eli and then to me again and nodded. “And Eli, I, no we have to tell you something.” He sighed. “What’s it?” I smiled. “Kevin and I are dating.” Eli raised an eyebrow but smiled afterwards. “I’m happy for you two!” He hugged me and Kevin. “But don’t you fucking dare and break my sister’s heart or I’ll break you.” He said sternly. Kevin nodded. “No worries.” He winked at Kevin. “GUYS!” Eli woke the other guys up. “Big news!” Heechul groaned and threw a pillow at Eli. “Shut up.” Eli smirked. He grabbed a water bottle and threw the water over Heechul’s head. “You bitch!” “I know I’m fabulous, but guys! My lil sis here and Kevin are dating!” Eli smiled and pointed to us. The guys cheered. “That’s wonderful!” Donghae yelled and bear-hugged me. “I’m… dying over here.” I tapped Donghae’s shoulder. “Sorry.” He smiled and patted my head. “But what about AJ?” Hoon asked confused. “I had to move on so I did, it’s not like he’ll return soon.” I smiled a little. “So, you went on a date yet?” Eunhyuk wiggled his eyebrows. “Nope. He didn’t ask me!” I pouted. “We’re only dating since yesterday though.” I added to it. “Kevin, you should take her to dinner tonight.” Kiseop said. “Dinner is for old people! Let’s go to the arcade or…. The cinema!” I giggled. “Let’s do that then.” Kevin smiled and put his arms around my waist. I noticed Jun being all quiet and stuff. What’s wrong? )): Why isn’t he happy for me? Ugh, he’s probably just tired. Right?

Kevin and I got ready for our date, I wore a simple hoodie with dark washed shorts and sneakers. “Bye guys! See you later!” I yelled from the hallway. “Don’t have too much fun!” Heechul yelled back. We got into Eli’s car and drove away. “So, where are we going first?” I excitedly clasped my hands together. “Hmm, how about we go to the cinema first, and then a walk in the park?” “Sounds great.” I smiled.

Kevin’s POV (wow whut)

Ugh… What if it’s not the right timing…? I don’t even know if she’ll like it. *huff* Come on Kevin, you can do this! Fighting!

(Lol, sorry it was so short.)

Yejin’s POV

After the movie finished, we bought some coffee and headed to the park. “Thank you.” I said out of nowhere. “Hm, why?” Kevin looked confused. “Just, for being my best friend, for being there for me, for protecting me. Thank you Kevin.” I smiled. “Anytime Jinnie.” He patted my head. We soon arrived at the beautiful park. There were flowers everywhere, birds chirping and little lakes. We sat down on a bench and relaxed a bit, listening to the sounds of nature. “Yejin,” Kevin started, I looked at him and smiled. “Hmm?” He sighed and grabbed something out of his pocket. It was a small navyblue box. He opened it and inside of it, was a beautiful silver necklace. The initials SH (Sunghyun, if you don’t know Kevin’s real name.) and YJ were in the middle of 2 intertwined hearts. “Do you want to be my girlfriend, Yejin?” I grinned widely. “Yes! Yes ofcoursee!” I hugged Kevin tightly. “I love you.” Kevin softly whispered into my ear. “I love you too.” I smiled and pulled away. Kevin put on the necklace. “It’s beautiful… When did you make this?” Kevin smiled awkwardly. “Well, I kinda made it when AJ still was your boyfriend. I know that sounds lame and all, but I just thought at that time that it could be a gift, you know from a friend. But I was too shy to give it. But then AJ moved and we started dating.” He smiled. “It indeed sounds lame.” I laughed. “But I don’t mind.” I kissed Kevin’s cheek. He smiled and stood up. “Let’s go and tell the guys.” I nodded.

“We’re back!” I walked in and saw the guys in the living room talking. “So, how was the date?” Eunhyuk smiled. “It was great!” Kevin back-hugged me. “And now your lovely sister is my girlfriend.” He smiled and pecked my cheek. “OH MY GOSH YESS!” Donghae jumped up and gave us a hug. I looked weirdly at him and he laughed. “Did someone give him something wrong to eat or something?” The guys laughed. “No, I just thought Kevin suits you better than AJ.” Donghae smiled and pinched my cheek. “My little girl is growing up. Again.” He wiped a fake tear. “I’m already 18 you know!” “When I was your age I didn’t even have my first kiss yet!” I laughed. “Seriously?” He pouted. “And I still haven’t.” I patted his back. “You’ll find someone wonderful Hae oppa.” He smiled and hugged me. “I ship it!” Kiseop yelled. “Who? Me and Kevin?” Kiseop shook his head. “No! Donghae and you! #Haejin! Or #Jindong!” Kevin wrapped his arms around me protectively. “She’s mine!” I laughed. “I ship it too!” Hoon yelled and fist-pumped. “You guys are so mean!!” Kevin whined. “Don’t worry Kev.” I smiled. “Hmm, I actually like Donghae better for you.” Eli teased. “Eli! Ugh I NEVER thought you would say that though. Because he’s your friend and all.” Kevin looked at little annoyed so I pecked him on the cheek. “And I gotta admit, I had just a little crushon you like a few years ago.” Donghae gasped. “Really? Aw that’s so cute!” Donghae smiled but Eli just widened his eyes. “Okay I take everything back, just stay with Kevin.” I smiled and nodded. “So you and AJ are over?” Eunhyuk asked. Oh yeah, I still have to tell him… fuck. “Well, I still need to ‘break up’ with him. But I guess we are no more #AJin.” I nodded.

??? POV

Can’t anyone tell that I like her? What does he have that I don’t? Why… just why did she pick him and not me? Please Yejin… Just please notice me too…

((Oh snappers! You guys probably already know who it is but oh well, hope you enjoy the story so far!))

Broken Promise (A U-KISS Kevin fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora