Chapter 19

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Yejin's POV

But what if I want to die because of that pain?

That was the last thing I remembered before fainting. That question, no, it's a fact. I want to die. Leaving everything and everyone behind sounds like a great plan right now.

I'm just lying in my hospital bed. Again.. Once in a while a nurse comes to visit, so she could write down my condition and she always asks me if I need anything. I always return her questions with a simple 'no thanks.'

It has only been one day since I woke up. Bewildered by my surroundings because I didn't remember being in the hospital. I still remember Kevin and AJ.. that fucktard. I wish he'd enter hell and never come back.

I look at the clock. 8PM.. I wonder when Donghae's coming back. I don't know what happened to AJ to be honest. I haven't heard any of him after I woke up. Not that I care, the only news I want to hear from him is the death of him. I'm such a bad person but it's true. He messed with my family. He killed Eli, my one and only brother.

Something inside me yearns for something. It wants something. It needs blood. Not my own blood. But blood from another person. Revenge. The feeling grows and grows while thinking about the bloody scenes, I could remember them again. How I looked around the room to see who got shot. The pain I felt when I saw it was Eli hit me again. Hard.

Tears form in the corners of my eyes, falling down my cheeks. Everything is unbearable. I search the room for something. I can't see clearly because of the tears. My hands automatically go up to wipe them away, giving me a clear vision for a millisecond before the tears blurred it again. This won't do.

I pull all the needles and what not out of my body. Thank god they're not inside me anymore. My wobbly legs try to walk but the weight of my body is too heavy for my still healing legs. A sharp pain filled the area just under my chest as I fall down. 'Fuck!'

I see the guy stabbing me again. The vision is too realistic.. I can feel the pain again, the pain of the sharp iron entering my flesh, penetrating until the iron of the dagger can no longer be seen. I feel it all over again.

Kevin's POV

Every day was the same for me. I could hear a couple of things, my consciousness coming back for a split second. But for some reason I always end up losing that little bit of consciousness.

I've been seeing things. It wasn't always dark. I've been seeing Yejin. But not with me. I saw her with someone. Someone I couldn't quite put my finger on. His figure was painfully recognizable. But that wasn't all. I saw myself. Full of bruises and scars. But it was different than the scars and bruises I had after AJ basically attacked me. Oh no, they were worse. The wounds I saw. My flesh hang of my body, still attached to it by a very thin layer of skin.

That sight kept playing over and over again in my mind. A voice kept telling me it will be okay. But I just want to be awake again. See other things than hurt. Because everything I see, hurts.

Yejin's POV

Luckily for me, the nurse already visited me before my 'mission'. I sustain the pain and get up. My search for a sharp object continues. I look in every cabinet, but to no avail. Of course they wouldn't hide some random sharp object in a patients room. i frantically look around the hall to see if a doctor or nurse is passing by. I look left and right, seeing no doctor, and prepare myself to find the supply room. I am ready to set a foot outside the room until I hear a familiar voice thanking someone. I look to my right and notice Donghae walking to the room I'm in.


I only then realize something crazy. Why didn't the machines beep after I basically ripped them off my body? Shit, Yejin this isn't the time to think about that! I try to walk to the bed as quick as possible but I being the clumsy girl I am, I trip and land on the ground. My hands soften the fall and I hiss in pain.

Everything is so not going as I want it to be. I try to get up but a click of the door stopped me in my tracks.

A soft scream escapes his mouth and he runs to me. 'Yejin! What happened?!' His arms tighten around me. The warmth his hug gives me lets me feel something new. Well, not something new, but something I haven't felt in what felt like a really, really long time.

My lips didn't move. I can't find any words to say. It's like I lost my sense of talking. Donghae doesn't ask for more, he knows I can't talk. He knows something happened. The way I winced because his hug tightened around me made him worried, because he thought someone did something to me again. I know he is thinking like that.

'No one did anything oppa.' I try to reassure him. My weak voice isn't helping me right now. I try my best to not hiss and swear in pain while slowly and shakenly putting my arms around him too.

Warmth is spreading around my cold and lifeless body. The pain is still present. Donghae never fails to make me feel better, even just a little bit.

The desire for blood slowly fading. I can still feel it, deep down. In the deepest cavern of my heart. It's still boiling, ready to erupt. But thanks to Donghae, it is calming down a little.

After sitting like that for 10 minutes, Donghae supported me to my bed and he lays me down. His hand softly shoves a strand of hair behind my ear. A pitiful smile plasters on his face.

'I know you're pretending to be ok, Donghae.' A soft sigh escapes my lips. I can see a darkness in his eyes. A darkness that has never been there before. It's normal, after everything that has been happening. I can't blame him. 'Oppa..' A soft hand caressing mine is supposed to be his answer.

'How are you feeling lately?' With that question I begin to study his face. Dark circles under his eyes, his skin got a lot paler and his back was all crooked up, too tired to even stand straight.

'I'm feeling ok, don't worry about me.' However, his smile remains the same. Warm and pure. 'You remember the offer you gave me?' He sits on the chair beside my bed. 'The offer..?' He nods and continues what with what he wants to say. 'Yeah, the offer that I could move in with you. To prevent you from doing stuff and just helping out.' I blink at the familiar information but eventually remember myself saying something like that. 

'Yeah, did you make your decision?' My voice sounds hopeful. I really want him to move in, he's the closest to Eli.. 'Yeah I did.' His smile meets my desperate gaze and I already know the answer. 'I'm already moving my stuff. I already had a spare key so I used that to get in. I sold my apartment and I am saving the money I got from it.' I basically jump on him and put my arms around his neck. 'Thank you Donghae. Thank you so much.' I snuggle into the crook of his neck.

I'm not going to be alone, I'll always have him by my side. 'I love you Yejin-ah.' The way he says it, I know it's not in an affectionate way anymore. Wait no, it is affectionate, but in another way. A way that's better than the lovey-dovey thing, Much better.

Because you know it'll last forever. 

Author's note:

Long time no see, hehe. 8 months or so.. damn. I wanted to stop this story tbh, but i thought nah. I love the story line so I decided to continue it hihi. Hope you enjoy it.

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